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Pregnancy, Pineapples, And Type 1 Diabetes

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I could eat this by the POUND. Hi there.  I’m addicted to pineapple.

This week, I’ll be five months pregnant, and it seems like the vitamin C cravings I had early on in my pregnancy are back with a vengeance.  Orange juice (yes, with pulp), kiwi fruit, apples, raisins (even though they’re low in it, I still want them), and pineapple.  To the point where Chris and I bought a pineapple at the grocery store last week and I ate half of it in two days time.  What’s good is that, for whatever reason, my blood sugars aren’t rebelling against this fruit overload.  (Different from cute overload, where hamsters play the trumpet.)  Before the BSparl invasion, I had things like oatmeal timed out with precision, so that I could eat something with 30 grams of carbs in it without a spike, but just one apple could cause my numbers to go berserk.  Now?  Oatmeal is hard to predict, but I can nosh on a whole bowl of fruit salad, estimate the carbs, and coast in the low 100’s for NO REASON.

Pregnancy and type 1 diabetes is a very peculiar combination.  /digression Read more »

*This blog post was originally published at Six Until Me.*

How To Help Your Dog Survive The Snow

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If you’ve ever had an Italian greyhound you know they hate the snow.  They hate the cold.  In general they hate the water but ours are starting to discover how fun water can be.  They hate being uncomfortable.  Mrs Happy and I have discovered that Marty and Cooper, our precious little babies, have a very tight range of comfort between 72 and 72.5 degrees Fahrenheit.  Anything below that and they’re shivering.  Cooper, our grey Iggy with the white boots, is slightly more tolerant of having cold feet.  But Marty, our little white Iggy with the grey helmet, has no tolerance for snow or cold feet.

Just the other day I heard a whimper coming from outside only to discover little Marty struggling to climb the stairs of our deck.  He hobbled into the house limping on three feet and  crying, making high pitched shrieking noises and trying to garner all the attention he could get.  Why you ask?  Because his feet got cold after walking on the snow for less than a minute. Read more »

*This blog post was originally published at The Happy Hospitalist Blog*

The Friday Funny: The Healthcare Reform Mess

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Google Suggest: Why Only Negative Adjectives For Doctors?

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The Efficient MD’s eyes are opened by the nasty thoughts Google Suggest offers up when someone starts typing “Doctors are…” Since Google Suggest lists only common results with which to complete your queries, it seems that the most common thing people think about doctors online is that we’re “overpaid” or “jerks” or “dangerous” or, most commonly, “sadists who like to play god.”

Surveys show people consider doctors to be among the most respected professions. So what gives? Read more »

*This blog post was originally published at Blogborygmi*

X-Rays For ER Dummies?

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heydummyThey’re not allowed to actually write “Hey Dummy, look here” on the x-ray report, but this is what the radiologists do when they want to make sure the idiots in the ER won’t miss the key finding on a film (in this case, a bit of glass from an automobile window):

The wonders of digital radiography allow this to appear on my computer screen.  In the old days they did it with a grease pencil and a post-it note.

*This blog post was originally published at Movin' Meat*

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