October 7th, 2008 by Dr. Val Jones in Expert Interviews, Medblogger Shout Outs
Tags: Chronic Disease, Finance, Guest Blogger Post, Hospitals, Politics
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Many thanks to my fellow blogger KevinMD who offered to host me during my period of blog homelessness. In this post, I interview Dr. Ken Thorpe about the real driver of healthcare costs:
About 75% of what we spend on healthcare is associated with chronically ill patients. That’s about 1.6 trillion dollars per year. Chronic disease accounts for the biggest source of spending in the healthcare economy, and it’s also the fastest growing – as more and more people are living with chronic illnesses. If we’re really serious about getting to the bottom of the healthcare affordability crisis, we’ll have to first address the chronic disease issue…
For the rest of the post, please click here.
October 7th, 2008 by Dr. Val Jones in Medblogger Shout Outs
Tags: AARP, Geriatrics, Guest Blogger Post, Health Policy, Hospitals, Medicare
1 Comment »
Thanks to my friend and fellow blogger Bob Coffield for hosting me (during my homeless period) at the Healthcare Law Blog. Here is an excerpt of my post:
Today I viewed a TV ad sponsored by the AARP. It was promoting a remote alarm device that elderly people could use to notify EMS if they fall and need help. The ad featured a surprising statistic:
“One in three people over the age of 65 will fall down this year.”
That’s a pretty common occurrence, wouldn’t you say? It certainly argues for the need for those wearable alarm buttons.
But at the same time that these ads are running on television, Medicare is moving forward with their “never event” quality program. The initiative means that Medicare will not pay for the care of patients who experience a “never event” in a hospital – funding for that patient’s care will need to come out of the hospital’s budget. Medicare argues that they shouldn’t have to pay for medical errors such as “wrong side surgery.”
While I’m sympathetic to their perspective on wrong side surgery, the list of never events reaches far beyond the limits of medical errors to include things like mental status changes, infections and…
drum roll please . . .
October 7th, 2008 by Dr. Val Jones in Medblogger Shout Outs
Tags: Cardiology, Guest Blogger Post, Humor, Pharmaceuticals
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Thanks to Dr. Wes for hosting me during my recent period of blog homelessness. Please check out his excellent site – here’s my featured post:
It seems in cardiology, things are so tiny: tiny angioplasty balloons, itsy bitsy guidewires to snake down the smallest of coronary arteries. Heck most things they deal with are measured in millimeters: need I say more? Now electrophysiologists, well, I’ve already had my say.
But Dr. Val, today’s guest blogger who transitions from her old space at Dr. Val and The Voice of Reason at Revolution Health to her new site at Getting Better With Dr. Val, notes a new trend in medical marketing to these marvelous medics of the miniature:

October 7th, 2008 by Dr. Val Jones in Medblogger Shout Outs
Tags: Guest Blogger Post, Health Policy, Politics
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I posted this at Medpolitics.com during my recent period of blog homelessness. Here’s an excerpt:
Sec. Tommy Thompson:
“SCHIP runs out in March, 2009. The new President will have to come up with a Medicare ‘fix it’ bill within 90 days of coming into office. I think that 2009 will be the biggest year in the transformation of healthcare that any of us have ever seen.”
For the rest of the post, click here.
October 7th, 2008 by Dr. Val Jones in Medblogger Shout Outs
Tags: Guest Blogger Post, Health Policy, Women's Health
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Thanks to the ladies at the Disruptive Women In Healthcare blog for hosting me during my period of homelessness. Here’s an excerpt from my post:
Of course, modifying behavior is the holy grail of medicine. We physicians wish that our patients would optimize their diet and exercise choices and become fully compliant partners in managing their chronic diseases. Unfortunately, fifty percent of patients forget to take their meds and over 30 percent don’t refill their prescriptions. Twenty percent say they don’t take the full course of treatment and fifty percent of patients don’t take drugs as directed. What’s a doc to do?…
To read the rest of the post, please click here.