December 3rd, 2011 by PeterWehrwein in Research
Tags: 65 and over, Adults, Antiplatelet, CDC, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Diabetes, Dr. Suzanne Salamon, Drug-drug interactions, Drugs, Elderly, Emory University, Healthy Aging, High-risk medications, Hospitalization, Hypoglycemic Drugs, insulin, Medications, Middle Age, New England Journal of Medicine, Old Age, Overdose, Risky, Warfarin
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Some medications are well known for being risky, especially for older people. Certain antihistamines, barbiturates, muscle relaxants—take too much of them, or take them with certain other medications, and you can wind up in serious trouble (and possibly in the back of ambulance).
But researchers from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Emory University reported in this week’s New England Journal of Medicine that those high-risk medications are not the ones that most commonly put older Americans (ages 65 and older) in the hospital.
Warfarin is #1
Instead, they found that warfarin is the most common culprit. Warfarin (the brand-name version is called Coumadin) reduces the blood’s tendency to clot. Many older people take it to lower their risk of getting a stroke.
After warfarin, different Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at Harvard Health Blog*
December 3rd, 2011 by Paul Auerbach, M.D. in Health Tips, Research
Tags: Adrenaline, Allergic Reactions, Drug Absorption, Emergency Medical Services, EMS, Epipen, IM, Injection Site, Intramuscular injection, Prehospital Emergency Care, Subcutaneous injection
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For management of a serious (even life-threatening) allergic reaction, I have been teaching adults to administer epinephrine (adrenaline) by injection for years. This can be a lifesaving intervention. The Emergency Medical Services (EMS) community now concurs that EMS personnel should be trained to recognize a serious allergic reaction and be allowed to administer epinephrine. In a recent issue of the journal Prehospital Emergency Care (2011;15:570-576), there is an article by Jacobsen and Millin entitled “The Use of Epinephrine for Out-of-Hospital Treatment of Anaphylaxis: Resource Document for the National Association of EMS Physicians Position Statement” that details the use of epinephrine for this purpose.
The major new thrust of this document is to highlight the fact that the intramuscular (IM, directly into the muscle) injection route of administration is preferred, rather than the traditional primary recommendation to inject into the tissue space just under the skin layers (“subcutaneous”). This is because injection into the muscle tissue results in smoother and more reliable drug absorption, with higher peak therapeutic levels of the drug achieved sooner than with subcutaneous injection. The lateral thigh is often used for the IM injection; the outer upper arm is most commonly used for the subcutaneous injection. In an “autoinjector pen” used to administer epinephrine (often referred to by the brand name “EpiPen”), the needle may not be long enough to reach the muscle tissue of a large and/or obese person. However, if the epinephrine is injected into the subcutaneous tissue, it will in all likelihood still be effective, albeit perhaps not as quickly following the injection.
Here is advice about how to give epinephrine for a severe allergic reaction: Read more »
This post, Article Details The Best Uses Of Epinephrine For Severe Allergic Reactions, was originally published on by Paul Auerbach, M.D..
December 3rd, 2011 by RyanDuBosar in Research
Tags: bowls, Delboeuf illusion, Diet, Dinnerware, Education, Journal of Consumer Research, Large, Lifestyle, Obesity, Optical Illusion, Overeat, plates, Research, Serving size, Small, Study
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A simple optical illusion might encourage better eating habits, researchers found.
The Delboeuf illusion makes equal size circles appear to be different sizes by surrounding them with larger or smaller concentric rings. Applied to eating, smaller plates make the food servings appear larger.
One problem is that the size of commercially available dinnerware has increased from 9.6 inches to 11.8 inches in the past century. Eating only 50 calories a day more as a result equals enough calories to add five pounds of weight annually.
Practical implications of the research include encouraging people to replace larger plates and bowls with smaller ones, choose plates that contrast starkly with food, and even choose tablecloths that match their dinnerware, the researchers noted. Those with eating disorders or elderly people who need to eat more could follow the opposite advice to improve their intake.
Researchers Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at ACP Internist*
December 1st, 2011 by MuinKhouryMDPhD in Opinion, Research
Tags: BRCA Testing, Breast Cancer, CDC, Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, Education, Family History, Future, gene, Genetic Alliance, Genetics, Genomics, Public Health, Tests, University of Michigan
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In June 2011, the CDC Office of Public Health Genomics launched a community wide consultation process to develop priorities for the field of public health genomics in the next 5 years. This process was initiated as part of strategic visioning for integrating the emerging tools of genomics into practice and assuring the success of these new tools in improving population health. The process was conducted at a time of a widening gap between the rapid scientific advances in genomics and their impact on improving population health. The University of Michigan Center for Public Health and Community Genomics and Genetic Alliance spearheaded an effort to seek, collate and synthesize advice and recommendations from numerous stakeholders and constituents. The effort culminated in a workshop conducted on September 14, 2011 in Bethesda, Maryland. The results of the consultation, discussions and deliberations are summarized in a report published by the University of Michigan. Highlights of the recommendations are summarized here but readers should consult the full report. Some of the recommendations include:
To improve public health genomics education: Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at Genomics and Health Impact Blog*
December 1st, 2011 by John Mandrola, M.D. in Health Tips, Research
Tags: Article, Cancer, Cholesterol, Death, Exercise, General Medicine, Healthy Living, Heart Disease, Heart-related illness, Inflammation, Lancet, Primary Prevention, Safety, Secondary Prevention, Statins
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There was important news this month on statin drugs. As one of the world’s most effective and commonly used medications, statins provide great writing topics. Lots of people have high cholesterol–including cyclists. Lots of people are interested in avoiding our mostly deadly disease.
I’d like to tell you about a recently-published (Lancet) landmark study that should quell safety concerns over statin drugs.
The punch line after I tell you the study’s results are short and sweet. Scroll down if you wish. But first, statin drugs are misunderstood enough to warrant a little blog-like simplicity. Let’s start with some background.
A brief statin review:
Statin drugs are best known for their cholesterol-lowering properties. The notion is simple: Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at Dr John M*