Avoiding Wild Animal Attacks
By now, most everyone is familiar with the tragic circumstances in which a visitor on a trail in Yellowstone National Park on July 6, 2011 surprised a brown (grizzly) bear with cubs, provoking a fatal attack. Fortunately, events like this are rare. At the same time, they are also predictable by virtue of our understanding of bear behavior, particularly in the wildland-urban interface. It was not the victim’s fault, and our hearts go out to his family and friends. For the benefit of others who will backpack and explore in bear country here is an excerpt about avoidance of hazardous animals, in particular bears, adapted from the book Medicine for the Outdoors:
Avoidance of Hazardous Animals
Most wild animal encounters can be avoided with caution and a little common sense. Follow these rules: Read more »
This post, Avoiding Wild Animal Attacks, was originally published on Healthine.com by Paul Auerbach, M.D..