Homeopathy: Why is Fraud Legal?
Imagine hearing a commercial on the radio:
Send us money, and we won’t send you anything in return.
No one would do that, right? How about this:
Send us your money and we’ll send you an empty box.
Better? Not much. Now how is that different from:
Send us money and we’ll send you stuff we’ll call medicine that we claim will help you, but there’s no actual active ingredients in it at all.
I don’t think there’s one bit of difference. Wouldn’t you agree that that commercial is fraud, pure and simple? The problem is that the general public doesn’t understand that the word “homeopathic” means “diluted beyond the point where it contains any active ingredients.”
I’ve recently heard commercials for homeopathic vertigo treatments, eye drops for allergies, irritable bowel, and spider veins on legs. I’m tempted to contact the radio station and complain, but stopped short realizing that their first question is going to be, “But is it legal?”
That’s the problem: it is. So what I want to know is, why? Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at Musings of a Dinosaur*