October 15th, 2011 by RamonaBatesMD in True Stories
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I have meet several amazing people at my new job. Here is one of them: Richard Vaughn (photo credit). The poster isn’t accurate any longer, the 12 should read 20.
Richard is the IT guy at my work place. He broke his back at age 17. This hasn’t kept him from having a full life.
……Shortly after graduation as a 17 year old, a severe accident – a fall of roughly 85 feet from a scaffolding – left me paralyzed and in a wheelchair. This was in the early 1970s. It was suggested that I enter one of several “special schools” for the handicapped. There, I was told, I might learn a vocation and become a “contributing member of society.” Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at Suture for a Living*
June 7th, 2011 by Paul Auerbach, M.D. in Health Tips
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Outdoor recreation is intended for everyone, and can be enormously beneficial for persons with disabilities. I am in awe of disabled skiers, climbers, divers, and others who have learned to coordinate their bodies and take great enjoyment and a sense of accomplishment from their wilderness activities.
It behooves everyone in the healthcare profession to be aware of certain special medical concerns for persons who are disabled physically or emotionally. Additionally, family members and friends are often well aware of what they can do to help in providing a joint effort to support the disabled.
At the 2010 Wilderness Medical Society annual meeting in Snowmass, Colorado, JenFu Cheng, MD (a pediatric rehabilitation specialist from NJ), gave a wonderful presentation on the medical aspects of (scuba) diving with a disability. He pointed out that there may be up to nine million certified recreational scuba divers in the United States alone. His presentation, rather than focusing on persons who are fully capable physically and emotionally, examined the lesser-known benefits of being in the water for individuals in need of additional support. For instance, aqua therapy (largely enacted in swimming pools) takes advantage of the buoyancy of water to allow a range of mobility that is not possible on land. For example, aquatic exercise has been shown to improve lung capacity and mobility skills in children with cerebral palsy. Read more »
This post, SCUBA Diving With A Disability, was originally published on
Healthine.com by Paul Auerbach, M.D..
February 25th, 2011 by Medgadget in Better Health Network, Health Tips
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Getting around a city can be hard when you’re in a wheelchair because some places simply aren’t designed for wheels. Wheelmap is an iPhone app for wheelchair users which tells you about the accessibility of nearby restaurants, cafes, clubs, museums, and other locations.
Locations are color-coded on a map to show how accessible they are. The current location, but also any place around the world, can be viewed. Maps are based on OpenStreetMap data, and accessibility data about locations can be modified and sent back to the servers by users from within the app. There is also a corresponding website showing the same information online.
As with any other crowd-sourced initiative, success depends on the number of contributors, but we have good hopes for this one to succeed. Because the app was created by a German, coverage is most extensive in Germany, particularly Berlin, but other large cities worldwide are starting to catch up.
More from AP: German iPhone app guides handicapped around cities…
iTunes link: Wheelmap…
Homepage: Wheelmap…
*This blog post was originally published at Medgadget*