April 25th, 2010 by Debra Gordon in Better Health Network, Medblogger Shout Outs, Opinion, True Stories
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So you’re probably wondering what I’m doing blogging about social networking when this is a blog about health and medicine and medical writing. Well, just consider:
- Thousands of tweets are sent every hour about health/medical issues. Want a cool way to follow them? Check out Health Tweeder.
- Thousands of health care professionals, medical organizations and healthcare facilities have Facebook pages.
And I’m sure that’s only the beginning. Those, together with Linked In, are the only social networking sites I currently use so that’s all you get for now. Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at A Medical Writer's Musings on Medicine, Health Care, and the Writing Life*
February 7th, 2010 by Berci in Better Health Network, News
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The number of health-related Twitter users or discussions is still growing and while it’s easy to find Twitter messages focusing on a medical condition or specialty (search.twitter.com), visualizing these tiny bits of information is incredibly hard. Health Tweeder, managed by Pixels&Pills, aims to fill this gap.
Using the laboratory that is social media and Twitter, we’re visually and metaphorically using petri dishes to culture cells of dialogue on specific disease states. Each cell in a Petri dish represents a distinct tweet that has been gathered using relevant disease search terms, hashtags, and people we’ve identified. Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at ScienceRoll*