The State Of Drug-Seeking In America: Nothing Should Hurt
This might sting a little…
When I was a child, I was often painted orange with Merthiolate. My grandmother, like every good grandmother, kept a bottle handy at all times. Merthiolate was an antiseptic, containing Mercury, that was marketed for cuts and scrapes.
A fall on the gravel, a slide on the pavement, a run through the briar patch and you’d be sitting on the kitchen table while grandma colored you orange with the magical elixir, which incidentally burned like fire!
On a recent emergency department shift, we were colluding about the general state of drug-seeking in America, which has been enabled by our ‘nothing should hurt’ ideology. One of my dear friends, Nurse Nancy, had a realization; an epiphany, really. Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at*