Dr. Rob’s New Year’s Wish List
This past year was a big year. We got:
- A new president, whose name rhymes with “llama” (which is cool)
- A healthcare reform bill (results pending)
- I got to meet a bunch of bloggers (including the South African blogger, Bongi)
- I became a podcaster, joining Grammar Girl’s posse
- Idaho remained in the union despite the underhanded actions of the plumbers’ union
- The long-awaited sequel to Alvin and the Chipmunks (although I too was disgusted by the violence of the fans)
- Oprah was still afraid of me, announcing her retirement from TV.
- Dr. Phil’s badgering phone calls continued.
- I was on NPR, was in Medical Economics, authored the chapter of a book (forgot to tell you), and bought some really comfortable shoes.
- I got stressed-out (although not more than Oprah) and took some time off. People were really nice to me when I did. Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at Musings of a Distractible Mind*