DIY Plastic Surgery Is Becoming Popular: Is It Ever A Good Idea?
It seems that DIY plastic surgery as a theme is becoming popular. A month or so ago I was contacted by a producer in the UK about submitting images of some DIY plastic surgery types who found their way into my office. Assuming, like much of my mainstream entertainment bits, that they don’t end up on the cutting room floor, they should be featured in a show sometime in the future.
Now the OC Register’s “In Your Face” blog is reporting on some new reality television shows looking for some fresh DIY plastic surgery talent…meaning you. A pretty scary post for Halloween.
This topic begs the question (scariness aside) as to whether or not there is ever any safe DIY plastic surgery?
The answer, of course, is conditional like most things in life: Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at Truth in Cosmetic Surgery*