When A Routine Case In The EP Lab Goes Awry
Easy case.
Seen it a hundred times.
Old guy (or gal).
Comes into ER.
Found “down.”
“Hey doc, looks like his hearts goin’ slow. I think he (or she) needs a pacer.”
“On any meds that might do this?”
“How’s his (her) potassium?”
“4.3, normal.”
And like lots of times, you head in. Glad you can help. Call-team’s on their way, thanks to you. Called the device rep to make sure they can be there just in case, too. Cool as a cucumber. Nothin’ to it. Been here, done this.
You arrive to a guy (or gal) that looks pretty good. Maybe has one or two medical problems. Heart rate’s better thanks to the atropine and the fluids they gave him (her) on arrival. The intraosseus line in the tibia is impressive, too. (“At least he (she) wasn’t awake when that happened,” you think.)
So you review, examine, plan your approach. EKG on presentation? Ouch, heart rate agonal. Wide complex rhythm of right bundle branch rhythm. Look at the monitor: “lots more right bundle branch rhythm there, thank goodness, P waves, too.” you secretely notice.
Seems he (or she) is willing (how many times does he (or she) want to pass out at home?), understands what lies ahead, that the crew’s on their way. “We’ll be taking you over in just a few minutes. Any other questions?” There are none.
And after a while the crew arrives, assembles the poor guy (or gal) on the table and ships him (or her) over to the cath lab area. Chest is prepped, equipment assembled, antibiotics given, monitors connected…
… damn we’re good. Smooth operators.
So the local anesthetic is injected and the incisions made. Dissection to the pre-pectoralis fascia just above the breast muscle accomplished, even the wires passed easily into the vein using ultrasound guidance. Even having a nice chat with the guy (or gal).
Poetry in motion.
Sheaths placed in the vein over the guidewire, pacing leads placed through the sheath. Until, from the control room… Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at Dr. Wes*