April 24th, 2009 by Dr. Val Jones in Humor
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I’m currently at a medical conference for my specialty, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. I happened to look around at everyone’s shoes and realized that many medical specialties can probably be identified by the types of shoes they wear. Check out the footwear at your next conference and tell me if I’m on to something. And by the way, this is more or less what rehab docs wear on their feet:

April 6th, 2009 by Dr. Val Jones in Humor, True Stories
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The prospect of standing in a small booth on a cement floor for 5 days led my husband and me on a quest for cushioned shoes. We found a local department store near our hotel and proceeded to purchase what we hoped would protect us from inevetable foot and back pain.
Since I chose flat dress shoes, I also needed some knee-high stockings to prevent blisters. Hubby exhibited all of the normal male signs of discomfort as I asked him to join me in the hosiery department. He listened quietly as the sales lady walked me through the stocking “decision tree” – color, thickness, pattern, price were all part of choosing the appropriate stocking.
I navigated my way towards a sheer option without too much difficulty and was about to check out when my husband whispered quizzically in my ear,
“What’s a rain forest stocking?”
My mental cogs and wheels turned furiously as I tried to determine the correct answer.
“Honey, I have no idea what that is. Why do you ask?”
“Well, the sales lady kept asking you if you wanted sheer or rain forest stockings…”
I burst out laughing.
“Um… she was saying, ‘sheer’ or ‘reinforced’ toe stockings, I think.”
I suspect my husband will never accompany me to the hosiery department again.