The Transition From The Analog Physician To The Digital Physician
While most of us fail to see it, doctors are changing. We’re changing as a result of the social and technological innovation. In 2050 what we do and how we do it will be very different from what we did at the turn of the century. We’re evolving from analog to digital. I think it’s important to consider the ‘digital physician’ as a concept worthy of attention. The training and support of this emerging prototype has to meet its different needs and workflows. Perhaps the criteria by which we choose medical students should take into consideration the anticipated skill sets and demands of this next generation. And we need hard information about the digital physician and her habits.
Here are some differences between the digital and analog physician:
The digital physician
- Information consumption is web-based
- Rarely uses a pen. Care and correspondence is conducted through an EMR.
- Socially connected. Comfortable with real time dialog at least on a peer-to-peer level. Recognizes Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at 33 Charts*