May 28th, 2008 by Dr. Val Jones in Expert Interviews
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Dr. Val: Dr. Carmona, I recently met you at the Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease conference in Washington, D.C., and now you’re here with the STOP Obesity Alliance. You are certainly one busy guy. What are you doing with your life these days?
Dr. Carmona: My life is certainly very full and very fulfilling. After completing my four-year term as surgeon general, many good people in the private sector offered me opportunities to continue my life’s work. All of my endeavors are geared toward improving the public’s health —that is, the health, safety and security of a person, a population, a nation —and sometimes even globally through partners that we work with.
As I surveyed the various opportunities to engage in public health service, I wanted to choose initiatives that gave me the biggest bang for my buck. In other words, I wanted to support programs that would have maximal impact in improving the lives of Americans. The chronic disease burden caused by a preventable condition —obesity — seemed like a really logical place to start.
We have to figure out how to reverse obesity in more than 9 million children, and we need to help the two out of three adults who are overweight or obese. Obesity has a huge impact on diseases across the board —asthma, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancers and a whole host of chronic diseases. Obesity either causes or is a comorbid [simultaneous and independent] factor in each of these.
In addition to my involvement in the Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease and in the STOP Obesity Alliance, I am involved in the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, where I chair the Childhood Influenza Immunization Coalition — which endeavors to ensure that our children get their full complement of vaccines.
In a country where we spend more on health care than any other nation in the world, our metrics put us somewhere between 25th and 40th in terms of life expectancy, childhood vaccinations, maternal child mortality and things like that. We have to step back and ask: “Where are we missing the boat here?” I think part of the answer is that many of our children don’t complete their immunization series. In Arizona just recently, we had a measles outbreak. That shouldn’t happen in this country.
When I was a child, every mom worried about her son or daughter getting polio. We don’t have to worry about that any more because of vaccines. In a global economy where people move freely across geopolitical borders, vaccination has never been more important —both here in the U.S. and internationally.
Dr. Val: Tell me a little bit about what you’re doing at Canyon Ranch. People may have some misperceptions about the population that Canyon Ranch exists to serve (i.e., wealthy spa-goers). But I know there’s a lot more to it than that.
Dr. Carmona: I’m the vice chairman and CEO of Canyon Ranch [resorts in Arizona, Massachusetts and Florida], and I am always looking for opportunities for the organization to contribute to health policy issues. Our goal is to help the people who come to us to find a path to optimal health and wellness through prevention strategies based on a true integration of the mind, body and spirit.
The Canyon Ranch Institute is the nonprofit arm of our organization that takes our best practices at Canyon Ranch and translates them to underserved populations around the country. So we serve the upper echelons of society, but we also have a strong social responsibility to “give back” to underserved communities and to help eliminate health disparities. Through the institute, we partner with [for example] the Urban Health Plan in the South Bronx [in New York City] — which is in one of the poorest congressional districts in the United States. We’ve committed to helping some of the poorest Hispanic people in America because they struggle with disproportionate disease burden as a group.
Essentially, we’re building a Canyon Ranch Institute Life Enhancement Program in a federally qualified community health center to change the health metrics of that population. And we’re going to focus on disease prevention and an integrative approach to health and wellness. We’re going to measure our impact scientifically. We do everything in peer partnership in a way that honors the culture of the community, and we respect what they’re already doing to serve their population. With everything we do, we plan and act as consultants to the local community leaders. In this case, we took the local community physician and other health leaders and brought them to Canyon Ranch on a scholarship program. We trained them and then sent them back to the Bronx with a small team of staff to help them put together a life enhancement program. And now, we’re building a curriculum with them.
Dr. David Satcher and I are discussing a new initiative in Atlanta, perhaps through his institute — the Satcher Health Leadership Institute. We also have a partnership with the Lance Armstrong Foundation, in which we’ve come together with other surgeons general to bring forth a collective call to action on cancer prevention and survivorship — which we’ll announce this summer here at the National Press Club. This is the first initiative to include all the past surgeons general, so it’s really exciting.
We’re doing many innovative and entrepreneurial things that we can initiate quickly with a lot of smart and willing people. You can move a little more nimbly in the private sector than you can in the federal government, so it’s a joy to be able to pull all these people together to address the unmet needs of various populations at all levels of society.
Dr. Val: How do you incorporate the “mind, body, and spirit” approach to health without getting too far afield from science?
Dr. Carmona: At Canyon Ranch and the Canyon Ranch Institute, we believe that achieving optimal wellness involves taking an integrative and holistic approach to the many dimensions of health and well-being —enhancing the physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual and environmental aspects. We’re also helping to translate this integrative approach to underserved communities through the Canyon Ranch Institute.
I have a small group of integrative health doctors and other health professionals who meet on a regular basis at Canyon Ranch. Their job is to read their scientific literature and meet periodically with me to present the new and emerging science in health and wellness. Then we review the science together and ask ourselves if there’s anything applicable that we could use as a product to improve the health of those we serve at Canyon Ranch or through the Canyon Ranch Institute’s nonprofit efforts.
So, for example, we’ve been taking a close look at the brain fitness movement in order to see what we could apply to older adults. When you and I went to medical school, we were taught that when you hit 60 or 70, you couldn’t really learn anything new and you need to be put out to pasture. The fact of the matter is that the science is now very clear that not only can you learn, but you can grow your knowledge and ability in many areas — even when you’re into your 90s and 100s. So at Canyon Ranch, we combine physical fitness with brain fitness, and we have holistic programs to develop cognitive skills through nutrition and mind exercises to increase intellectual capacity.
We have also been investigating whether or not touch can be healing. I believe it’s a gray area — some of it may be hocus-pocus, but some may also have scientific merit. So we’re working with Gary Schwartz, Ph.D., an expert in energy medicine, to take a closer look at this and to conduct some trials to see what works. I know this is pushing the envelope, but it’s not implausible that the comfort and stress reduction one experiences from gentle touch might improve immunity.
I recognize that holistic medicine is a very dynamic and challenging field to be in, but we vet everything and make sure that we have some scientific validity before we move forward with anything as a product. We try to stay open-minded as we study these so-called complementary and alternative medicine practices to see what works. And if we find a benefit, we incorporate it. If not, we reject it and move on.
Dr. Val: And do you practice what you preach? How are you taking care of yourself?
Dr. Carmona: I get about an hour to an hour and 15 minutes of exercise five to six times a week. I even have staff meetings while working out at the gym sometimes. I’ll say: “I have 24 hours a day, and you guys get 23. But I need one for exercise. If it’s so important that you need to see me during that hour, then you have to work out with me. We can swim or walk, and you can debrief me while we’re doing that.” Sometimes they’ll take me up on it, but not always. Last night we didn’t finish our business dinner until 11 pm. Everybody went to bed, but I went to the gym.
I do a lot of cross-training. I don’t run that much anymore because my knees are getting sore. I use elliptical machines and the StairMaster. I swim, and then I do a weight training circuit every other day.
Just keep moving. I think that’s the important thing.
Dr. Val: And what do you do nutritionally?
Dr. Carmona: I’m careful about what I eat. I eat a little bit of beef, but not much. I do eat a lot of chicken. I have fish allergies so, unfortunately, I can’t eat seafood. I eat a lot of whole grains, nuts and fruits, and I control my portions. My typical breakfast is oatmeal, fruit and a glass of skim milk. For lunch, I have a sandwich and some salad, and then I have a full but portion-controlled dinner. I allow myself some vices. I used to joke with my staff all the time about not being able to pass a Baskin-Robbins without stopping in to get a vanilla ice-cream cone.
Dr. Val: Baskin-Robbins has 31 flavors … and you pick vanilla?
Dr. Carmona: That’s right. I told them they’re wasting their time on the other 30. There’s only one flavor that I need: vanilla. Every once in a while, I’m really risqué and I’ll try French vanilla.This post originally appeared on Dr. Val’s blog at
May 12th, 2008 by Dr. Val Jones in News
I’ve been following this story with interest and concern. A little birdie told me that Katie Couric has prepared a special report about the potential link between vaccines and autism for the CBS news tonight (May 12th). Sharyl Attkisson will be interviewing Dr. Bernadine Healy, former head of the National Institutes of Health, about her perspective. The CBS website has a 5 minute video clip now available on their site.
While I certainly agree with Dr. Healy that science must not be stifled, and that it’s fair game to research any environmental factor that could plausbily be related to autism, I am deeply concerned that the potential harm induced by vaccines (on kids with rare genetic disorders) will be generalized inappropriately and parents will refrain from vaccinating their children. We are already beginning to see Measles make a comeback (a disease with that can be fatal or cause irreversible brain damage) due to lower vaccination rates, and this trend may continue. Unvaccinated kids are not just a threat to themselves (because they’re at much higher risk for developing preventable diseases) but a threat to vaccinated kids as well, since vaccines are not 100% effective.
What do you think about the CBS segment? Watch it with me and we can discuss it here on my blog. Robin Morris, mother of a child with autism and a patient advocate at Revolution Health, will weigh in as well.
*Update: the full script is here*This post originally appeared on Dr. Val’s blog at
March 11th, 2008 by Dr. Val Jones in News
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I was surprised by recent recent findings from the CDC’s National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey– one in four teenage girls (ages 14-19, chosen at random in the US) tested positive for some sort of sexually transmitted disease, most commonly HPV (human papilloma virus) (18%), followed by chlamydia (4%), trichomonas (2.5 %), and herpes (2%).
I asked Revolution Health expert, Dr. Iffath Hoskins, (Senior Vice President, Chairman and Residency Director in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Lutheran Medical Center in Brooklyn, N.Y.) what she thought of this news.
“This relatively high infection rate is cause for concern. We need to increase our education efforts so that teenagers are more aware of the risks of sexually transmitted diseases, especially since women’s reproductive futures are at stake. Chlamydia infections can substantially decrease fertility rates, long after the infection has been fully treated with antibiotics.
As far as the high HPV rates are concerned, I’m not surprised since previous research has estimated that 80-90% of adults have been infected with at least one of 80 subtypes of this very common virus. Only 6 of these 80 are known to predispose women towards cervical cancer. But the HPV vaccine can substantially reduce the risk for contracting those 6, so it’s important to vaccinate young girls against this virus.
No teenage girl should be walking around with chlamydia or trichomonas. They are treatable with antibiotics.”
The study also found racial differences between STD infection rates in teenage girls, with blacks being infected at twice the rate of white or Hispanic girls. The CDC is calling for educational outreach to at-risk groups, and the American Academy of Pediatrics supports confidential teen screening.
I hope that these staggering statistics act as a wake up call to health care providers who may not have thought to screen their teen patients for STDs. Apparently, these infections are more common than we realized.This post originally appeared on Dr. Val’s blog at
February 29th, 2008 by Dr. Val Jones in Uncategorized
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Happy leap year everyone! The Revolution Health experts have been blogging away furiously, and I haven’t done a Revolution Rounds in a few weeks (naughty) so without further ado – here’s a nice round up of the best of the Revolution Health blogs…
Health tips
Most vitamins and supplements are not necessary if you’re eating a healthy diet. Dr. Joe Scherger summarizes Harvard’s Men’s Health Watch and concludes that only Vitamin D supplements may be warranted for the general population.
Relationships require pruning. Mira Kirshenbaum suggests that if you’re in an unhealthy relationship, it’s best to get up the courage to cut it off.
Ever wonder which arthritis treatments work best? Dr. Jim Herndon has distilled the latest research.
Children need to be vaccinated against the measles. Dr. Stacy Stryer explains that measles can be deadly in 20-30% of the people who get it.
Calcium can strengthen your bones, but may clog your heart? Dr. Vivian Dickerson cautions women about taking too much of this vitamin.
Did you know?
Only one in four people recognize the symptoms of a heart attack. Dr. Joe Scherger describes how you can tell if you’re having one.
Restless legs syndrome might increase your risk of a heart attack. Dr. Steve Poceta explains why.
Stem cell research could be the key to unlocking the mysteries of how cancer develops. Dr. Heinz-Josef Lenz describes some promising new research.
Pit viper venom might be useful in reversing strokes. Dr. Olajide Williams explains that the venom can dissolve blood clots in the brain.
There is a real mind-body connection in health and disease. Dr. Joe Scherger explains how it impacts men with erectile dysfunction.
Nighttime anxiety might convey a survival advantage. Dr. Steve Poceta wonders if we worry more at night because the ancestors who did so, lived to procreate.
A hospital is being sued for denying a surgical procedure to a transgender female. Dr. Cole Brown is not sure that this is fair, since the procedure was not emergent.
Orthopedics Corner
Dr. Jim Herndon is a faithful friend and blogger. He has had a particularly fine week – so many of his posts are great that I thought I’d give you a little summary of them all in one place…
Americans spend as much on back and neck pain treatments as they do on cancer treatment. Jim discusses the incredible financial burden of back and neck pain and the disappointing efficacy rates of treatments.
Neck pain is fairly common and particularly resistant to treatment. Jim describes the prevalence of this condition.
Glucosamine does not seem to improve hip arthritis. Jim discusses the mounting evidence that the benefits of glucosamine are very limited if they exist at all.
Patients with spinal stenosis (narrowing of the canal that contains the spinal cord) may benefit from surgery.
About 10% of total hip and knee replacements require revisions. Before you have yours, be sure that your surgeon is experienced with revisions.
Kiddie corner
Dr. Stacy Stryer is also a faithful friend and excellent pediatrician and blogger. Her sound advice and empathic tone is a key to her success. Here’s what she has to say this week:
First of all, Dr. Stacy reports on the strange practice of a nursing mom on America’s Next Top Model TV show: she’s drinking her own breast milk. Yuck!
Studies show that parents spend more time with their first child. Stacy wonders if she’s been a neglectful parent of her younger child.
Measles is a fatal illness for up to 30% of children who get it. Sadly, measles is on the rise because parents have opted out of the MMR vaccine due to unsubstantiated fears of vaccine harm.
Depression in a parent might be a risk factor for poor health among their children. Dr. Stacy takes a fresh look at how to keep America’s children healthy.
Dr. Jim Hill explains why children who don’t exercise regularly may perform worse on academic tests.
And my final post of Revolution Rounds is from a couple of neurologists who relay a compelling story: they saved a woman’s arm from a mistake made by an orthopedist in Serbia!
This post originally appeared on Dr. Val’s blog at
February 28th, 2008 by Dr. Val Jones in Book Reviews
In Fixing American Healthcare
, Dr. Rich explains that the major cause of rising costs in healthcare is an aging population that requires more resources. Though some have proposed that fraud and waste/inefficiencies are the primary sources of costs spiraling out of control, the truth is that they likely play a minor role compared to the tremendous costs of providing cutting edge treatments to an older and sicker US population. Dr. Rich argues that we don’t hear that much about the escalating cost of caring for older Americans because it makes us squeamish, so we instead focus on curbing costs due to fraud and waste. However, when fraud and waste are not the primary cause of increasing costs, enhanced attempts to quash them do not actually move the savings needle. Since certain groups are tasked with reducing escalating costs due to fraud (in particular), and their work does not result in savings, they must strive harder to find and punish those accused of fraud, perhaps even seeing fraud where it doesn’t exist.
Dr. Rich argues that true fraud is fairly rare, and that the majority of “fraud” cases involve people not complying with rules they had no knowledge of (in many cases even after asking about the rules from the people who made them). Other cases of “fraud” involve retroactive application of rules and then fining hospitals for not being in compliance before the rules were made. His assessment of the PATH audit debacle is quite interesting.
Now, obviously we want to decrease fraud and waste as much as possible – but in the midst of our desperate attempts to curb healthcare spending, we’ll need to have some honest and frank discussions about the elephant in the room: America is sicker than ever before, and we have developed expensive ways to cure/treat those sicknesses – ways that we can’t afford to offer everyone.
What should we do? Dr. Rich suggests that we come together as a nation and decide on some rationing rules. He argues that we’re already rationing our healthcare dollars in covert ways – let’s bring it out into the open so that it’s fair to everyone. Now, I doubt that this will sit well with Americans – but our current “system” is so dysfunctional that maybe the time for a rationing discussion has come?
In this climate of unlimited treatments and limited resources, the best option is to stay healthy as long as possible. That’s why I believe in preventive medicine, healthy lifestyle changes, and doing all that we can to avoid getting sick. In many cases (but certainly not all) eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, controlling our weight, getting our vaccines, and sleeping well each night can go a long way to keeping us out of the hospital. It’s not easy to get Americans to take care of themselves in this way, but I’d rather spend my efforts trying to get us fit than to have to debate rationing rules. In the end, however, we may need to do both. What do you think?This post originally appeared on Dr. Val’s blog at