August 15th, 2011 by admin in Health Tips, Opinion
Tags: 6-8 glasses, American Society of Nephrology, Bottled Water, Bottled Water Industry, British Bottled Water Producers, British Medical Journal, Diario Medico, Drink, El Gerente de Mediado, Hydration for Health, M.D., Margaret McCartney, NHS, Stanley Goldfarb, Thirsty, Water, Water Consumption, Waterlogged
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“Bueno es saber que los vasos
nos sirven para beber;
lo malo es que no sabemos
para qué sirve la sed”.
Proverbios y cantares.XLI. Antonio Machado
(‘It’s good to know that glasses
are what can help us drink;
The trouble is, we don’t know
What is the purpose of thirst’)
The one thing you can’t afford to have missing when you start a scientific congress or any other professional meeting is not a notepad, a pencil or even an iPad – nowadays, it’s a bottle of water. Offices, airports, handbags and lecture halls, all of them are bursting with all kinds of bottles. It seems they are essential to work and even to stay alive.
Bordering nonsense, some people desperately search for a bottled water vending machine as soon as they arrive at the airport, even if that means gobbling it down in a minute before walking through the security checkpoints.
It is now a common belief that continously drinking water (6 to 8 glasses a day according to NHS, at least two litres -half a gallon- according to other sources) is the healthy thing to do. Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at Diario Medico*
August 14th, 2011 by ChristopherChangMD in Health Tips, Opinion
Tags: Aging, Alcohol Use, Bowed Vocal Cords, Collagen Injections, Cosmetic Surgery, Cysts, Elderly, Hoarse Voice, Muscle Tension Dysphonia, Old, Paralysis, Plastic Surgery, Polyp, Reflux, Surgery, Tobacco Use, Treatment, Vocal Cord Cancer, Voice Lift, Voice Therapy
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I was informed about this interesting concept on ABC news…
With many aging baby boomers tapping into cosmetic surgery in order to look younger, some are taking it a step further to “sound” younger as well with a “voice lift”.
For some, it’s not right to look 10-20 years younger after a facelift but still sound like 70 years old.
A hoarse voice with aging is not unusual, but a surgical “voice-lift” is not necessarily the first step that should be taken.
First things first… Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at Fauquier ENT Blog*
August 14th, 2011 by John Di Saia, M.D. in Health Tips, Opinion
Tags: Cosmetic Surgery, Cream, Healing, Laser Treatment, Local Anesthesia, Plastic Surgery, Scar Edges, Scar Improvement, Scar Revision, Scar Tissue, Surgery, Wound
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I have a wide scar on my leg that I got years ago. I have tried creams and stuff. When is surgery a good idea to improve a scar? Can a cream or a laser make it thinner?
Scar improvement has several phases and the condition of your body and how the wound occurred have parts to play. Early on after wounding there is the question of whether or not to have surgery to repair the wound. If the edges are clean and close together, then surgery is not always beneficial. If they are apart or the wound is dirty a proper medical evaluation and/or surgery can make things better down the line. When in doubt, get that evaluation.
Once the wound has started healing, Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at Truth in Cosmetic Surgery*
August 12th, 2011 by Medgadget in Health Tips, Research
Tags: Blood Glucose, Charlene Quinn, Diabetes, DiabetesManager, Diabetic Patients, Glucose Meter, HgbA1c, Insulin Pump, Medical Technology, Medicine, Mobile App, Pediatrics, University of Maryland School of Medicine, WellDoc
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It seems intuitive (at least to Medgadgeteers) that mobile technology can be used to improve health outcomes, but we still need studies to actually put data behind this idea. A recent study of the DiabetesManager mobile health platform from WellDoc is a step in this direction. We last reported about WellDoc’s mobile diabetes application in 2010, and since that time it has been tested in a clinical trial and was shown to reduce HgbA1c by 1.9%.
The DiabetesManager is a behavioral coaching and clinical decision support system. Patients enter details about blood glucose values, medications, and behaviors via mobile phone, and health care providers receive quarterly summaries based on this information. Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at Medgadget*
August 11th, 2011 by Linda Burke-Galloway, M.D. in Health Tips, News
Tags: addiction, Brain, Breast Milk, Breastfeeding, California, Death, Dr. Linda Burke-Galloway, High Concentration, infant, Maggie Jean Wortman, Methamphetamine, Murder, National Library of Science, Nervous System, Newborn, Stimulant, Substance Abuse
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Could breastfeeding kill a newborn? That is the question a California district attorney will ask a jury at the trial of a breastfeeding mother. Most women do not intend to harm their children but substance abuse and addiction comes with a heavy price. Such was the case of Maggie Jean Wortman, who has been charged with second degree murder after medical tests revealed that her newborn son died from methamphetamine intoxication obtained through her breast milk. Wortman’s 19-month-old daughter also tested positive for methamphetamine and was placed in protective custody. How could this happen?
The transfer of drugs from the mother’s blood to human milk depends on the chemical composition of the drug. Antibiotics such as penicillin will remain in the mother’s blood for long periods of time whereas certain types of blood pressure and heart medications will remain in the milk. During the first three days after birth, higher concentrations of medicine remain in breast milk. Wortman’s attorney is attempting to argue that methamphetamine in breast milk could not kill a baby but here’s why he’s wrong: Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at Dr. Linda Burke-Galloway*