March 23rd, 2011 by IsisTheScientist in Humor, True Stories
Tags: Boundaries, Child Psychology, Maternal Health, Mommy Blogger, Motherly, Musings, Potty Training
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“Anyone who will barge into the room while you are on the commode is the boss of you. And when you explain to them that you’re on the commode and that they should leave but they don’t? That’s a high-level boss.”
– Tina Fey from the new InStyle Magazine.
Sister Fey speaks the truth here. Children have no privacy boundaries. There is also something, perhaps related to the way going to bathroom disturbs the Earth’s magnetic fields, that makes a child need something urgently the second trou has been dropped.
That all said, the fact that a child has no understanding of his parent’s privacy does not mean that said child does not demand privacy for himself. Little Isis is going through a period where he is not to be seen doing the deed. Even the thought that someone might be observing him elicits a scream somewhere in the G6 range.
That kid has me in check.
*This blog post was originally published at On Becoming a Domestic and Laboratory Goddess*
March 19th, 2011 by Happy Hospitalist in Humor, True Stories
Tags: Coloring Books, Dog Bite, Emergency Department, ER, Increasing The Census, Pediatric ER, Pediatrics, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, Psychiatry, Stitches
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Every day I go to the emergency room to admit my adults, I can hear the screaming babies and toddlers. Sometimes, the screams are actually from their parents after realizing how much their visit is going to cost. But most of the time it’s really frightened kids in an unfamiliar environment.
Happy’s hospital used to hand out hospital stickers so kids would associate emergency rooms with a fun place to hang out. It turns out, after intense behind the scenes discussions with administration, that this policy was a covert attempt to increase the volume of our pediatric emergency room volumes.
After looking at the numbers, and understanding how hospitals get paid,I have now come on board and am part of a committee think tank that does nothing more than think of ways to get more people through the doors. We invited the intelligence behind the 50% rise in pediatric ICU volumes after implementing the pediatric ICU art project. Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at The Happy Hospitalist*
March 18th, 2011 by RamonaBatesMD in Health Tips, Humor
Tags: Diet, Dogs, Exercise, Personal Trainer, Physical Fitness, Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation, Walking, Weight Loss
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Earlier this week there was an article in the NY Times by Tara Parker-Pope —Forget the Treadmill. Get a Dog. — which states in a more elegant way what I have been saying for years now.
……Several studies now show that dogs can be powerful motivators to get people moving. …..
Just last week, researchers from Michigan State University reported that among dog owners who took their pets for regular walks, 60 percent met federal criteria for regular moderate or vigorous exercise. …….
A study of 41,500 California residents also looked at walking among dog and cat owners as well as those who didn’t have pets. Dog owners were about 60 percent more likely to walk for leisure than people who owned a cat or no pet at all. ……..
I have called my dog Rusty my personal trainer. He never lets me off the hook. We walk daily regardless of the weather (hot, cold, rain, snow). Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at Suture for a Living*
March 18th, 2011 by Emergiblog in Humor, Opinion, True Stories
Tags: 911, Customer Service, Emergency Medicine, ER Abuse, Nursing, Online Booking, Real Emergencies, Reservations
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This is so wrong.
You can’t make this stuff up.
It seems an emergency department in Memphis, Tennessee is now taking online reservations for their services. Yes, you heard that right, you can now hop online and select the time you would like to be seen for your “emergency”. Just pay $15.00 and you can give your chief complaint, your medical history and your list of medications ahead of time, saving you time and trouble when you pop in with your pesky problem!
What if the problem is serious?
The computer won’t let you register and flashes a “Call 911″ sign at you.
But wait! There’s more!
If you are not seen within 15 minutes of your scheduled time, you money is cheerfully refunded!
I’m not kidding. Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at Emergiblog*
March 8th, 2011 by KerriSparling in Humor, True Stories
Tags: Blood Sugar Control, Diabetes Control, Endocrinology, Kerri Morrone Sparling, Living With Diabetes, Managing Diabetes, Medical Humor, People With Diabetes, People Without Diabetes, PWD, PWoutD
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Life is trying to further mess with my diabetes control. (Or is diabetes trying to mess with life? Is a zebra white with black stripes, or a horse with black and white stripes?) I’m making efforts to get it together, but odd little things keep leaping in the way. Oh, efforts to thwart: Let me count the ways!
1. Recently, the jar of glucose tabs in my car was empty, so I was forced to stop at a random store and buy a regular Mountain Dew from the vending machine. But I had to open it and let it settle a little first before I could chug it, because draining a can of fizzy sugar would make me instantly ralph.
2. It snowed and/or was freezing on the days I went to the gym. But on the days I didn’t go? Sunshine and warm weather. Stupid weather wants me to be fat.
3. I lost my Dexcom receiver for about five hours, until I heard its muffled scream from between the couch cushions.
4. The sound of the clothes dryer finishing a load sounds like the happy tinkling of the chimes on an ice cream van, which spawns this borderline insatiable craving for ice cream.
5. During my meetings last week with PWoutD (people withOUT diabetes), my blood sugar cruised inexplicably into the stratosphere, forcing me to rage bolus in order to be able to eat more than the plate garnish during lunch. Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at Six Until Me.*