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The Business Of Healthcare And Chaos Theory

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Chaos theoryNoun – The branch of mathematics that deals with complex systems whose behavior is highly sensitive to slight changes in conditions, so that small alterations can give rise to strikingly great consequences.

Alternative definition:

Chaos theory – Noun – The branch of healthcare that deals with making the payment system increasingly complex and ever changing. This complexity and confusion impact physicians and patients in such a way that appropriate services in care of the patient are subject to rules and regulations that are deliberately complex, making alterations from the momentary rules inevitable.  This exists so that even small alterations will free the insurance company from the responsibility to pay for said service.

I am no physicist, but I honestly think that a grasp and understanding of the first type of Chaos theory is more likely than that of the second.  Let me give a demonstration of the second chaos theory in action: Read more »

*This blog post was originally published at Musings of a Distractible Mind*

ER Quote Of The Day

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“I started phlegming up a couple of days ago and my tonsils are huge and banging against the side walls.”

Ladies and gentlemen, doctors, patients, scientists, artists and assorted visitors, I don’t pretend to understand humanity, or the human condition.  I don’t know all there is to know about medicine.  But I do know a great piece of prose when I see it.  And this, dear friends, rises to poetry.

Phlegmingly yours,


*This blog post was originally published at*

A Humorous Look At The Physical Exam

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People are asking for more physical exam posts.

People asked for more Millli Vanilli too.  People aren’t always smart.

But you ask, I give.  I am just that kind of guy.  It’s been a long time (since October) since I have done a post on this subject.  So for all of you “newbies” out there (I just wanted to use that word and sound like a nerd), I want to give you a recap of what I have already done on the physical exam.  That way people who have not inflicted upon themselves read the old ones can get all caught up.  To be honest, this is one of my favorite series as well.  Or is that “serieses?”  Where’s Grammar Girl when you need her? Read more »

*This blog post was originally published at Musings of a Distractible Mind*

Nursing Survival Tips For Snow Days At The Hospital

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These young ladies are prancing back to their nursing dormitory after a snowstorm. They look really happy to finally make their exit from the hospital. I identify with these girls because I got snowed in at my hospital for eight days last week. It was tedious, but I used my time constructively. I studied human nature.

People go through three phases when a snowstorm starts bearing down. The first phase is giddiness. I saw at lot of people become gleeful when the first snowflakes started hitting the sidewalk. They became delusional and said things like, “Look at the snow. It’s so beautiful!” People, snow is NOT beautiful. It is wet and cold. No one enjoys digging their car out from a five-foot snowdrift.

The next phase of a snowstorm involves a strange survival instinct that compels people to rush to their local grocery store and buy copious amounts of milk, toilet paper, and comfort food like corn chips. I’ve never been about to understand this phenomenon, but I’m sure that grocery store chains love it. Panic in the air indicates that people are entering into the final phase of their snowstorm response. The snowstorm is in full gear and everyone wants to leave work and go home. The walls start closing in, and those with a lesser constitution make a break for the door. I understand that some people can’t deal with their claustrophobia, but please don’t yell, “You can reach me on my Blackberry,” as you run out the door. That just makes you look pathetic. Read more »

*This blog post was originally published at Nurse Ratched's Place*

A Health Insurance Coding Error Exasperates Patient

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I believe this is what's holding them back from making progress with our bills.Yesterday, the mail arrived.  There were catalogs for clothes (mmmm, can’t wait until May!), letters from friends, the crappy bills that keep arriving even though we didn’t forward them to our new address, and oh yeah, that one bill from my mail order pharmacy.

For a thousand dollars.

Dated January 30, 2009.

So, being the rational and patient woman that I always am, I ripped up the envelope it came in, cursing under my breath like my temperamental buddy, Yosemite Sam.  Punctuated each tear of the paper with “fricka-frakin’ insurance bill dagnabit …”

And then I called the mail order pharmacy company.

“Thank you for calling Byram Health Care.  Your call is important to us.” Read more »

*This blog post was originally published at Six Until Me.*

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