December 26th, 2011 by BarbaraFederOstrov in News, Research
Tags: Abuse, Adolescent Health, Birth, C-Section, Domestic Violence, Governor, Health Reform, Heart Attacks, Hurricane Katrina, Marijuana, New Orleans, News, Nikki Haley, Research, South Carolina, Stress, Teen Health, Teenagers
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Domestic Violence: 25 percent of women surveyed by the government say they were violently attacked by their husbands or boyfriends in a finding one federal official called “astounding,” the Associated Press reports.
C-Sections: The number of births by Cesarean section in Calif. has risen 50 percent in the past 10 years, new research shows, but it isn’t because of the health benefits over vaginal delivery. Researchers cite financial incentives for doctors and an “awareness gap” of the procedure’s risks among the explanations, Stephanie O’Neill reports for KPCC public radio.
Health Reform: South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley predetermined the findings of a state committee working on health reform even before Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at Reporting on Health - The Reporting on Health Daily Briefing*
December 26th, 2011 by PeterWehrwein in Research
Tags: Access, Annals Of Internal Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Doctor's Notes, Dr. Nancy Keating, Dr. Suzanne Salamon, EHR, Electronic Health Record, Electronic Medical Records, EMR, Harvard Health Letter, Health, Medical Research, Open Notes, Research, Study
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We are fast entering the era of the electronic health record, when it will be possible to call up our medical records on our computers and mobile devices. Medication lists, lab results, appointment schedules—they’ll all be available with clicks of your mouse or taps on the screen of your smartphone or tablet.
But one question that’s far from settled is whether the electronic health record should include the notes that doctors make about them. A doctor’s notes can be straightforward, such as a reminder that an additional test might be needed. But they can also include somewhat speculative observations and hunches about a patient and his or her medical conditions. The Open Notes project is a research program designed to test the consequences of giving patients access to doctors’ notes. Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center is one of the test sites.
The Open Notes project is far from finished. But results of a survey of the expectations that doctors and patients have for note sharing are being reported in today’s Annals of Internal Medicine.
I don’t think there are any great surprises here. More than half of the primary care physicians Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at Harvard Health Blog*
December 24th, 2011 by RyanDuBosar in Health Policy, Research
Tags: Bureau of Labor Statistics, females, George Washington University, Health Policy, Income, National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, Obesity, Overweight, Public Health, Race, Research, Study, Wage, Women
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Obesity impacts income, especially among women, according to a report from The George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services’ Department of Health Policy.
In 2004, wages among the obese were $8,666 less for females and $4,772 lower for males. In 2008, wages were $5,826 less for obese females, a 14.6% penalty over normal weight females, the researchers concluded after examining years 2004 and 2008 in the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ National Longitudinal Survey of Youth.
The research shows that there are significant differences in wages dependent upon race that couldn’t be accounted for by measuring pre-recession (2004) and recession (2008) measures. In 2004, Hispanic women who were obese earned $6,618 less than those who were normal weight. In 2008, Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at ACP Internist*
December 22nd, 2011 by AnthonyKomaroffMD in Research
Tags: Degree of Separation, Facebook, Framingham Heart Study, Friends, Happiness, Harvard Men’s Health Watch, Healthful Habits, Healthy Lifestyle, Interconnections, Obesity, Online, Positive Attitude, Prevention, Social Network, Spreading, Twitter, Weight Gain
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The people you live with, work with, talk to, email, chatter with on Twitter and Facebook—your social network—can be good medicine, or bad.
The intriguing new science of social networks is demonstrating how personal interconnections can affect our health. Ideas and habits that influence health for better or for worse can spread through social networks in much the same way that germs spread through communities. In social networks, though, transmission can happen even though the people may be hundreds of miles apart.
An article in the December issue of the Harvard Men’s Health Watch explores how social networks can affect weight and mood.
Spreading weight
A study of people taking part in the landmark Framingham Heart Study found that Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at Harvard Health Blog*
December 22nd, 2011 by RyanDuBosar in Health Tips, Research
Tags: circadian biology, diagnostic errors, Fatigue, Long Hours, nap, Nursing, Patient Safety, Physical Activity, Research, Residency Training, Rest, Risk, Schedules, Sentinel Event Alert, Shift length, Sleep, Staffing, The Joint Commission, Tips, Tired
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Health care facilities should take five steps to ensure staff aren’t becoming sleep fatigued, according to a Sentinel Event Alert from The Joint Commission.
Shift length and work schedules impact job performance, and in health care, that means patient safety, the alert stated. A study of 393 nurses over more than 5,300 shifts showed that nurses who work shifts of 12.5 hours or longer are three times more likely to make an error in patient care.
Furthermore, residents who work traditional schedules with recurrent 24-hour shifts:
–make 36 percent more serious preventable adverse events than individuals who work fewer than 16 consecutive hours,
–make five times as many serious diagnostic errors,
–have twice as many Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at ACP Hospitalist*