February 18th, 2010 by Dr. Val Jones in Announcements, Expert Interviews, Video
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This year, the Better Health team will be offering live coverage of healthcare’s largest tech conference: HIMSS in Atlanta, March 1-4. Three medical bloggers, Dr. Val Jones, Dr. Mike Sevilla, and Dr. Nick Genes will interview over 40 different exhibitors and stream their interviews live via UStream. You can ask questions of the interviewees by submitting questions to @drval during the event. Dr. Val Jones will report to ABC News, DC via Skype from the convention floor on Wednesday, March 3rd at 10:50am. Here’s a sneak preview of HIMSS:
Stay tuned to the Better Health blog for more information about HIMSS coverage… Or meet Dr. Val at HIMSS during her “Meet The Bloggers” panel discussion. Read more »
January 12th, 2010 by KerriSparling in Better Health Network, Medblogger Shout Outs, Opinion, Patient Interviews
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Quick post to the PR professionals in the healthcare sphere:
When someone dies, it is terrible tragedy. That person leaves behind a family, loved ones, and – especially when they die young – their future. If someone dies as a result of diabetes, or due to complications from diabetes, or from something else entirely but they happened to have diabetes, and you decide to exploit their death to gain pageviews for your website? (See also: Brittany Murphy, Casey Johnson)
Come on.
There’s a difference between passing on information that could help people improve their lives, and then there’s pure, TMZ-style exploitation. Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at Six Until Me.*
October 30th, 2009 by MotherJonesRN in Better Health Network, Opinion
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I never knew that newspapers use to hire nurses. This nurse is working in a big city at the news desk. I wonder if she had to have a journalism degree as well as a nursing license in order to write copy for a media outlet back when nurses wore their cap. There was a time when only journalists wrote the news. Now anyone with a computer, a video camera, and a website can out scoop CNN. Kim from Emergiblog told me that some bloggers and a member of the press got into a debate at BlogWorld09. I wasn’t surprised to hear this because mainstream media thinks that its the only legitimate source for news. Come on mainstream media, we both know what’s really going on here. You have blogger envy.
I’m sorry if I sound cranky, mainstream media, but I’m really tired of all your whining. I know you don’t think that citizen journalists check their facts and that we lack reliable news sources. Some of you have even said that our stories aren’t fair and balanced. Do you really want to go there, mainstream media? I’m talking to you Fox News and MSNBC. You’ve got your nerve to criticize anyone about their scruples. Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at Nurse Ratched's Place*
July 25th, 2009 by Emergiblog in Announcements, Better Health Network, Health Policy, Opinion
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This is Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, speaking at the Better Health “Putting Patients First” event in D.C.
I should talk about how passionately he spoke about health care reform (he did), about why he does not believe government should be running health care (he doesn’t) or that he took the time to come and speak at 8 am even though he had been up until 2 am working on the health care bill (he did) or that he spoke right up until he – literally- had to run back to the House to vote (he did).
And I will talk about these things.
But first, let me state the obvious and get it out of the way so that I can go on to discuss the serious nature of the health care reform debate before us.
Seriously, is it just me or are politicians getting better looking?
There. Now I can move on to the meat of the matter.
(I had to say it because you all know I was thinking it!)
This event marked my first time in Washington, and just being there is awe-inspiring. Seeing the White House from the car window took my breath away, literally. I felt like Ellie May Clampett marveling at the ce-ment pond. The National Press Club is a museum in and of itself. Mother Jones and I were hoping we’d catch a glimpse of Sanjay Gupta, but he must have been off doing neurosurgery or something.
By now, you’ve probably read who was on the panel (Dr. Wes, DrRich, Dr.Rob, Dr.Kevin, me, and Better Health contributors Dr. Alan Dappen, Valerie Tinley, NP and “token” – his words, LOL – surgeon Dr. James Herndon).
I will tell you straight up that I learned much more than I contributed.
The panel shot from the hip and spoke from the heart. Some of us had notes, some of us illustrated our comments with anecdotes and one of us (*cough*) had no clue what was going to come out of her mouth until that moment.
I’ll give you a hint….it wasn’t Valerie…..
For the record, those of us on the panel were not told what to say, how to say it or what to believe, nor were we chosen based on what we do believe. Some discussed concepts that should be taken into account no matter what plan we end up with, others were definitely against a single payer plan run by the government (*raising hand*).
The inefficiencies of national health plans of other countries were illustrated/discussed. This hit me later: we should look at what works in those plans, not just what is wrong with them. We don’t have to emulate them, just learn from them, and that includes the good and the bad. It also applies to any universal form of coverage, not just a government-run plan.
Wish I had said that at the time.
So much for thinking on my feet (or on my butt, as the case may be).
There was some controversy about not having any patient bloggers on the panel. There should have been. I hope that, as a nurse, I spoke for patients, but it was not the same as having someone there who navigates the system as a patient every single day.

The patient bloggers were in the audience, though, and if you go to Twitter you can find the live tweeting at “#patientsfirst”. There was a pretty healthy debate going on in the Twitterverse while the panel was up on the dais.
Here I am with Lisa Emrich (Brass and Ivory) and Kerri Morrone Sparling (Six Until Me). Duncan Cross was also there, but my pic was blurry!
While health care reform has been a hot topic for awhile, it was especially acute this week as the President was actively promoting a government run health care system and there seemed to be a huge sense of urgency to get what is called “Americas Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009″ passed ASAP.
The bill is over 1000 pages long.
I just downloaded it.
And Congress has not read it.
Folks, our representatives are being asked to pass legislation they have not had a chance to read.
While I will admit to being a bit unsure of exactly what happens in the Beltway (Civics classes and Schoolhouse Rock’s “I’m Just a Bill” notwithstanding), that can’t possibly be business as usual.
Can it?
I’ll say one thing: no matter what we believe, why we believe it or what our role is in the health care system, it is a conversation rife with strong opinions and passionate debate.
And, in the end, because we are all patients in one form or another at some point in our lives, the conversation is about us.
So, when you hear the phrase “putting patients first”, think of it as “putting me first”.
That may help you get a foothold in the morass of information that is the health care debate.
It worked for me.
*This blog post was originally published at Emergiblog*
July 25th, 2009 by Emergiblog in News, Opinion
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I was honored to receive an unprecedented opportunity to hear a Senior Advisor to President Obama speak about his health care reform efforts at BlogHer 09.
Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor and Assistant to the President for Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs, spoke to an intimate group of bloggers at a luncheon today.
And I was 15 minutes late.
How humiliating! This was definitely not the event where one should be “fashionably late”.
Ms. Jarrett was totally cool though, and said “Come on in and tell us who you are!” Apparently I had just missed intros; the discussion was just starting.
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Now I’ve been pretty clear about not wanting a government run health care system, and I attended the luncheon knowing I did not have a clear grasp on the President’s proposal. (I have downloaded the Bill, have not had a chance to finish it.) I wanted to keep an open mind; I wanted to learn as opposed to opine.
The best way to learn is to keep your mouth shut and listen. That is exactly what I did.
It was not easy.
Ms. Jarrett is warm, sincere and truly passionate about the President’s efforts at health care reform; Ms. Jarrett has full faith in the ability of the President to positively reform our health care system.
Now, if I heard and understood correctly, what the President wants is a public plan as an option; a choice to obtain health care coverage through the government should you find yourself unemployed/without any health care coverage. Ms. Jarrett was adamant that the goal is not a single-payer government run plan, but there was some group questioning of (1) why the idea of a government plan is perceived as scary and (2) whether or not it would be tantamount to socialism and indeed, what would be wrong with that anyway. One blogger noted that she knew many Canadians who were happy with their health care.
These questions were more rhetorical in nature. Honestly, I don’t think time would have permitted in-depth discussion.
There was discussion on how bloggers can get out the message of health care reform and ideas on how the President can best communicate his ideas to the public. It was noted that the President is holding press conferences for which he is asking full coverage because he wants the entire story told, not just sound bytes. (Side note: I found this interesting because just recently ABC News encamped in the White House for an entire day – and the topic was health care reform.)
I actually did have a question enter my mind, as I was intrigued by the idea that the public plan was an option: I wanted to know if one could move in and out of the public plan as desired, or were you stuck in the public plan once it was chosen.
I didn’t get a chance to ask, as the discussion moved forward with two bloggers sharing stories of their personal experiences with the health care system. Very personal, heart wrenching stories. Their frustration and anguish was palpable. Ms. Jarrett listened with empathy; she truly cared about what my fellow bloggers had/were enduring.
I found out later that both bloggers left with her personal business card with her office number for them to call her directly after the conference. That was impressive.
So, some final thoughts.
I like Valerie Jarrett. It was amazing that she took time to come and speak to us, and it was informative. She speaks straight, she is sincere and she seems very passionate and compassionate regarding health care reform. I’m a bit more informed about what the President is looking for. This was the advantage shutting up and listening. I don’t necessarily agree but I’m starting to at least get a hold of the concept.
Gratuitous political commentary: I think a little too much time was spent decrying the last administration. It’s over; time to move on.
Now for my totally off-the-cuff observation. I could not help but notice this was the exact opposite of my experience in DC last week. This was a full-on Obamafest, last week seemed like an “anything BUT Obamafest”. This week the “opposition” was putting out misinformation, last week the “opposition” was trying to cram a bill through before Congress could read it.
Is there no middle ground? Does it have to be this contentious? Maybe it’s the way of politics and I’m just now realizing it.
Between the two events, I guess I have now been exposed to a “fair and balanced” view of health care reform by Washington insiders.
So….why does it still feel like I have vertigo?
This post was written from my own notes and memory. It was actually live-blogged in real time and if you would like to read the entire transcript, it is written here: Valerie Jarrett/Health Care Reform Live Blog BlogHer 09.
Valerie Jarrett, White House Senior Advisor Talks to Bloggers at BlogHer09
*This blog post was originally published at Emergiblog*