October 21st, 2011 by Dr. Val Jones in Health Tips
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Most people who have lost weight understand how easy it is to gain it back. In fact, I often hear patients tell me that over the course of their lifetimes they’ve “tried every popular diet out there” and yet have failed to keep the weight off permanently. If that’s your situation, you’re not alone. It’s estimated that only 20% of overweight individuals are successful at long term weight loss. But there is hope for success, and we can learn the secrets of “successful losers” from the National Weight Control Registry.
In a flash of brilliance, sociologist Rina Wing and psychologist Jim Hill decided to create a database of weight loss success cases, and simply observe how they live their lives over decades of time. They called this research study the National Weight Control Registry, and it has been enrolling study subjects since 1994. What they’ve found is that those who have been successful at losing at least 30 pounds and keeping that weight off for at least 1 year share many behaviors in common. I believe that the closer we follow in the footsteps of these successful people, the more likely we are to be fit for a lifetime. So here goes – this is what the study subjects report: Read more »
October 14th, 2011 by Dr. Val Jones in Announcements, Health Tips
I’m proud to have been selected as the national, nutrition (“mind”) coach for the Boys & Girls Clubs’ Triple Play Fit Family Challenge. This is a 6-week challenge – five families (you can meet the families on the Fit Family Challenge blog) will compete for a grand prize: an all-expenses-paid vacation!
My job is to support the families with evidence-based nutritional information that they can use to establish lifelong healthy eating patterns. Proper nutrition is one of the most critical components of preventive medicine, and can help to reduce the risk for America’s top 3 killer diseases: heart disease, cancer, and stroke (not to mention type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and high blood pressure). If these families help their kids to adopt healthy lifestyles now, they will have a lower lifetime risk of many major diseases. And I hope that the kids will also become evangelists for healthy eating to their peers!
I’ve been thinking a lot about what I’ve learned over the years as a nutrition journal editor, avid foodie, and rehab physician, and I think that (to begin) I can truly boil down all we know about American eating habits into these three pieces of advice (note that these are based on HHS’s Dietary Guidelines For Americans, 2010): Read more »
May 2nd, 2011 by John Di Saia, M.D. in News
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A former executive assistant for the La Habra Boys and Girls Club was sentenced today to three years in prison for embezzling about $135,000 from the organization over two years, using some of the stolen money to pay for breast implants. Superior Court Judge Roger Robbins also ordered Lynette Rojas to pay $270,000 in fines and $165,113.08 in restitution to the club. But the 37-year- old La Habra residents appears unable to pay any of the money back, Deputy District Attorney Marc Labreche said. Rojas, who could have faced up to 20 years in prison if convicted at trial, pleaded guilty April 4 after Robbins agreed to sentence her to three years behind bars.
Source: dailybreeze.com/news/ci_17874455?source=rss
Lynette Rojas stole $135,000 from the Boys and Girls Club of La Habra and used part of the money to have breast implant surgery. She took a plea deal as opposed to going to trial. I wonder if her surgeon had to pay back the money she paid him.
*This blog post was originally published at Truth in Cosmetic Surgery*