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Governor Mike Huckabee On Losing Weight and Staying Fit

I had the exciting opportunity to interview Governor Mike Huckabee at a recent conference for the National Changing Diabetes Program. As most of you know, Mike lost 110 pounds through lifestyle interventions and has kept the weight off for over 5 years.

Since I’m leading a weight loss group, I was inspired to read his new book, “Quit Digging Your Grave with a Knife and Fork.” I really enjoyed his witty and down-to-earth, positive approach to health. If you can imagine Dave Barry and Norman Vincent Peele getting together to talk about weight loss strategies, you’d pretty much have Gov. Huckabee’s book. I highly recommend it.

As for our interview, I’ll split the Q&As into two posts. This first post is about Mike’s personal journey, the second is about his view of healthcare. One thing’s for sure, after meeting Mike Huckabee in person, I can say that I’ve joined the team of folks who wear the “I heart Huckabee” t-shirts. He is a softspoken, kind-hearted, honest man with a quirky sense of humor and a gift for parables and analogies. Enjoy his thoughts below…

Dr. Val: It seems to me that your weight loss journey began the day when you sat in a chair at the State Capitol, and it broke under your weight (in front of a group of government officials). Do you think that successful weight loss usually begins with an “ah-ha moment” like yours?

Huckabee: I don’t think it’s always the case that people have that level of epiphany. Most people who are overweight know it – every time they bend over to tie their shoes and can’t, every time they need a seat belt extender on the airplane, etc. they realize that there’s a problem. Unfortunately, though, their response is often one of helplessness. They believe that they just have to live with their weight problem instead of believing they can do something about it.

Sometimes an epiphany can make people really angry, and cause them to say – “I don’t care what I have to do, I need to change.” Most people have made numerous attempts to lose weight and have tried many different diets, but they don’t understand the real problem. It’s a lifestyle issue, not a program issue. Diets fail because they have a beginning and an end. You’ve got to see this as change not so much of the menu but of your mind. Don’t focus on losing weight – that’s a big mistake. Focus on the things that make you healthy and then the weight takes care of itself. You may never be the skinniest person, but you’re better off healthy than you are skinny.

Sometimes I find that when people make weight loss their goal they lose weight but they’re not healthy because they haven’t done it in a healthy way. They haven’t combined activity with the weight loss.  They’ve just starved themselves, and that’s not health.

Your health is like a dashboard. If the only thing you ever look at is your speedometer, and you don’t look at the oil gauge and the water gauge, you can get into serious trouble. You think, “hey, I’m going the speed limit” but that’s not the point. That’s how fast your car’s going, not how well it’s running. Health is the same way – you can’t just focus on weight, you’ve got to look at your cholesterol levels, hemoglobin A1C, blood sugar, and blood pressure as well.

After I broke the chair I went to see my doctor and he ran some tests that confirmed I was a diabetic.

Dr. Val: What did your doctor say to you at that point?

Huckabee: My doctor gave me a talk that changed my life. A lot of doctors simply say, “you’re a diabetic, here’s some medication, try to lose some weight and do some exercise.” But my doctor looked me in the eye and said, “you need to understand that if you don’t make a lifestyle change, you’re in the last decade of your life, and let me describe the decade…”

Quite frankly if he had just said that I was in my last decade I might have said, “Hmm, that’s not good, but you know what? I bet a drug company will solve this problem for me in the next few years. That way I can eat what I want and do what I want and just take a pill and everything will be fine.”

But that’s not what he told me. Instead he told me the truth, and he said “let me describe the decade…” And in great detail my doctor began to explain what diabetes would do to my body, organ by organ – my vision, my extremities, my heart. He made it sound like a slow, lingering death. And right then and there I vowed to come up with a different exit strategy for my life.

I gave up sweets and fried foods and began to exercise. You have to understand that this was a huge turning point for a southern boy. I used to say that exercise is for people who have nothing better to do with their lives than to get on a treadmill and play the role of a hamster. But I became one of those people that I used to make fun of – I’ve already completed four marathons. But most importantly, I haven’t needed any medications in 5 years and my doctor says that it’s as if I never had diabetes at all.

Dr. Val: You wrote, “If you really hate yourself when you’re fat, you’ll also hate yourself when you’re thin.” What did you mean by that?

Huckabee: Well, you have to be honest and tell people that their weight is a reflection of their personality. There is something inside of them that let them get completely out of control. It may have been a feeling of inadequacy, or some guilt – every person is different. But usually something is underlying the weight problem. It may be the fear of not having anything to eat next week. But something has to give a person that reckless abandon. Just because you change the physical aspects of your life, doesn’t mean that your emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects are going to change.

Dr. Val: How do you get to the bottom of what’s driving unhealthy behaviors?

Huckabee: I know that for me it was when I started  to ask myself, “why is it that I’m triggered to overeat?” Some of it was childhood memories – it was the comfort that food brought. As a child, the few privileges I had were related to food. So food was always a reward. I received affirmation from dessert and would indulge myself to re-experience those childhood memories. I know that sounds awfully elementary but these things get imprinted on us. When we’re adults and someone is cruel to us or something bad happens, we affirm ourselves with food so that we can feel as if we’re a good person again. But once you come to terms with this, you regain control.   You can tell yourself you’re alright and you don’t need food for comfort or affirmation.

**Up next, Mike speaks out about healthcare**This post originally appeared on Dr. Val’s blog at

Diabetes Treatment: Is Compliance more Important than Research?

I was speaking with Revolution Health expert Dr. Zach Bloomgarden about advances in diabetes care, and I suddenly realized that enhancing compliance with lifestyle measures is more important than researching treatments.  In other words, we have the power to cure many cases of type 2 diabetes already – without any new research/treatments. The challenge is sticking with diet and exercise programs. Perhaps the same could be said of many diseases.

I thought I’d share this audio clip of Zach explaining that we already have the tools to radically improve diabetes outcomes and virtually eliminate this disease.

Listen Here

I hope that the new community groups at Revolution Health will help us all work together to get to a healthier place. I’m still struggling along with my diet team. I’m proud of those who have had great success already!This post originally appeared on Dr. Val’s blog at

People With Diabetes Take Heed: The Wrong Shoe Could Cost You Your Leg

Diabetes is a tricky disease. Sugar build up in the blood stream can damage tiny blood vessels that supply nerve endings, resulting in skin numbness. The feet are at the highest risk for nerve damage (neuropathy) and folks with diabetes often cannot sense pain in their feet.

How many of us have gotten blisters from ill fitting shoes? Painful, right? Well imagine if you didn’t feel the pain of the blistering and kept on walking, oblivious to the injury. Eventually you’d have a pretty bad sore there. This is what happens to people with diabetes who don’t choose their shoes carefully. In addition, sores don’t heal well because of the decreased blood supply to the area (from the damaged blood vessels). And to top it off, the high sugar levels in the sores provides additional sustenance to any bacteria that might be lurking on the skin. It’s pretty easy for diabetics to develop infected wounds, which can grow larger and even require amputations of dead tissue.

A recent research study suggests that the secret to avoiding this downward spiral is in choosing shoes that fit well – though they estimate that as few as one third of people with diabetes actually wear optimal fitting shoes. This may be because there is a strange temptation for people with diabetes to choose extra small shoes due to their neuropathy. When normal sensation is lost in the feet, tight fitting shoes actually feel better because they can be sensed more readily by the brain. So even though spacious shoes that don’t cramp the toes or cause blistering are the best footwear, they don’t always feel as comfortable. However, patients with diabetes who are properly fitted for orthopedic shoes with the help of a physiatrist or podiatrist, may substantially reduce their risk of ulcers.

So the bottom line for people with diabetes: choose your footwear carefully, and get professional help to make sure that your shoes fit well. Proper shoes could help to decrease your risk for foot and leg ulcers and potential amputations.This post originally appeared on Dr. Val’s blog at

Diabetes Ad Campaign: It Really Makes You Think

My friend and fellow blogger, Kelly Close, tipped me off to a very powerful new diabetes awareness ad campaign that begins today.  These will run as TV commercials and Internet ads.  I thought they were really thought provoking and original.  They feature every day scenarios (like a boating trip, ordering food at a restaurant, and greeting a new dog) and then reveal the hidden danger in each “innocent” situation.  Then they go on to say that you don’t have to be taken by surprise by diabetes, as there is a test (hemoglobin A1C) that can give you a glimpse into the future.

As many as a third of people who have diabetes are unaware that they have it.  As many as 80% of diabetics do not know what their hemoglobin A1C level is.  These are shocking statistics for a disease that is treatable, and complications that are preventable.  If you haven’t been checked for diabetes and you have reason to suspect that you might be at risk for it (you are substantially overweight, you have diabetes in your family, or you have symptoms of diabetes such as abnormal thirst and frequent urination) please go to your primary care physician for a check up.  Diabetes is one disease that we can control well and sometimes cure – but ignoring it could result in kidney failure, blindness, amputations, and heart disease.  Let’s take these TV ads to heart and get blood sugar under control in America.This post originally appeared on Dr. Val’s blog at

Counterfeit Diabetes Test Strips From China

Thanks to MedGadget for bringing this to my attention.  Did you know that as many as 1 million fake diabetes test strips (manufactured in China but imported via Canada) made it onto the US market?  About 10 million Americans use the One Touch Ultra system for measuring their glucose and titrating their insulin doses.  Bloomberg news had this to say:

“Growth in counterfeit medicines and devices is probably
the biggest health threat besides infectious disease,” says
Peter Pitts, director of the Center for Medicines in the Public
Interest in New York and formerly an FDA official investigating
knockoff drugs.

The court filings disclose, for the first time, that China
is the source of about one million phony test strips that have
turned up in at least 35 states and in Canada, Greece, India,
Pakistan, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey.”

The test strips don’t measure glucose levels reliably and could result in patients dosing their insulin incorrectly.  So be careful out there, folks… make sure that the test strips you use are not counterfeit.  Check the lot number on your package to make sure it’s not one of these fake numbers.This post originally appeared on Dr. Val’s blog at

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