Doctors And Social Media: To Interact With Colleagues Or Influence Patient Care?
“Live the questions now. Perhaps then, without hardly noticing, you will live along some distant day into the answers.” – Rainer Maria Rilke
With the tectonic shifts underway in America’s healthcare delivery model, doctors influence in shaping the forces ahead seems to be dwindling.
It started with the entire healthcare bill drafted by a team of some undisclosed, very influential academics, lawyers and policy wonks adept at social security and tax laws and was morphed by corporate and hospital interests with huge political and financial influence. Before the legislation was even read, the American Medical Association had stamped their seal of approval, worried that “they’d be eaten if they weren’t at the table.” As a result, a significant number, no, I’ll stick my neck out here and say a majority of doctors, had little to do with shaping healthcare in America as we will come to know it.
But I would also bet that most of Americans want doctors with their best interests at heart to be integral participants in shaping our new healthcare system.
So now, as doctors align themselves with a single health system employer so they can beg for a portion of the government’s soon-to-be-implemented “bundled” (bungled?) payment scheme to healthcare systems for episodes of care, how will doctors have any meaningful voice at improving healthcare for our patients and ourselves? Enter social media. Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at Dr. Wes*