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Deflated And Elated: A Breast Implant Tale

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Crying, she says: “Dr. Bates, my right implant has deflated. Help!”

Don’t panic. It’ll be okay.”

We review the options and risks. Fortunately, her 9-year-old implants are covered by the 10-year plan.

“Dr. Bates, can I go bigger this time?”

Yes, that’s an option.”

Smiling, “Then let’s do it.”

*This blog post was originally published at Suture for a Living*

Floaters And Losing The Clarity Of Youthful Vision

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“Will you grab that spider web?” my grandmother said abruptly. We were sitting on an old bench overlooking the river. It was September. I had sprung her from the assisted living home earlier that day.

“Which spider web are you talking about, Gram?” I asked her. My eyes were sleepily watching the timeless flow of the big river, the eddies and swirls along the banks, and the gracefully bending boughs of the old oak trees as they waltzed with the wind.

“There to the left!” she said with certainty, reaching her bony hand into the sky and grasping at thin air. “Get it, will you?”

I looked again but there was nothing. I knew that my grandmother’s mind had developed a little static among the signals, a few crackling wires in the electric grid of her brain, and I figured that her eyes were playing tricks on her.

“I don’t see it, Gram. What does it look like?”

She seemed a little disappointed that I did not share her perception. “It’s feathery, and it’s drifting just over the river. It’s actually quite pretty.” Read more »

*This blog post was originally published at The Examining Room of Dr. Charles*

Birth Control: How Men Think It Works

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People, people, people: If you don’t understand how birth control works, you shouldn’t be having sex. What happened to the old days when the boyfriend was expected to sit through the video and conversation about all the types of birth control during the appointment at Planned Parenthood?

A friend sent me a link to the funniest video of men (trying to) explain how birth control works — it’s worth viewing for the laughs. These are all adult men who have some serious misconceptions about how birth control works, but “lady business” as a euphemism for vagina may become part of my vocabulary!

It’s no wonder that the United States has some of the highest rates of teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections — our youth are ignorant about how to prevent them. Please talk to your teens about birth control.

Remember that the teens who know the most about sexuality tend to be the ones who don’t have sex. How’s that for motivation to talk to your teens?

Photo credit: nateOne

This post, Birth Control: How Men Think It Works, was originally published on by Nancy Brown, Ph.D..

Healthy And Fit Without Ruining Your Life?

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I consider myself a relatively fit person. Of course, “relatively” is still relative. I try to watch what I eat. I usually exercise five days a week. Heck, I’ve even run a couple half-marathons. But the rest of my days are pretty much sedentary. I sit in a climate-controlled office staring at my computer screen. I make dinner in my highly-automated kitchen. After dinner I sit in the living room sipping wine and watching TV or talking to Greta. Then I go to bed and start the process over again.

That’s not a whole lot of activity for a creature that evolved for endurance. Over a 50 mile course, a race between a man and a horse can be quite competitive. Millions of people all over the world do hard manual labor day in and day out. But millions of others don’t set aside any time for exercise. In my half-marathons, I’ve finished in the top half of competitors, so compared to a lot of people, I must be doing something right. Right? Or do my sedentary days outweigh my occasional bursts of activity? I exercise an average of 4 hours per week. That’s less than 4 percent of my total waking time. Is that really enough to stay fit? Read more »

*This blog post was originally published at The Daily Monthly*

Medical Blog Carnivals And Health Wonkishness

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This week, healthcare reform looms large in the minds of medical blog carnival hosts. Evan Falchuk’s healthcare reform edition of Grand Rounds is up at his See First blog. Rch Elmore hosts the current Health Wonk Review at his Healthcare Technology News (check out the flying pigs photos and more; cf. the HealthBlawger’s “First Hundred Days” edition of Blawg Review for another reference to flying pigs).

The next edition of Health Wonk Review will be hosted right here on April 15th. The themes we will be exploring in that bi-weekly exegesis of health wonkery include the following:

  • Metaphors
  • Lying
  • Song (esp. the blues)
  • Art (esp. painting, drawing)
  • Inventors and their contraptions
  • Fast food
  • Liberation
  • Cosmetic surgery/medical spas
  • Impressionist 19th century novels
  • Immenseness
  • Mortality
  • Racial integration

And, of course…

  • Death and
  • Taxes

Please submit your best examples of health wonkishness in these categories no later than 9 a.m. EDT Wednesday April 14th, thank you (extra points for early submissions), and come back on the 15th to learn more than you ever wanted to know about healthcare policy and to see the meaning of these categories revealed. Read more »

*This blog post was originally published at HealthBlawg :: David Harlow's Health Care Law Blog*

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