December 5th, 2009 by Dr. Val Jones in Humor, True Stories
Tags: Blogger's Block, Cat, Feline, Messy Desk, Ona, Personal
Trying to get some early morning writing in… but having a hard time reaching the keyboard with both hands.
This is a new, feline form of blogger’s block! (I’m sure Kerri @sixuntilme knows what I’m talking about).
Happy weekend…
Dr. Val
December 2nd, 2009 by Dr. Val Jones in Humor, True Stories
Tags: Aortic Dissection, Cardiology, Chest Pain, Emergency Medicine, Father In Law, Geriatrics, Heart Attack, MI, Personal
My father in law is 83 years old. He has high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and occasional “senior moments.” He rarely complains about anything, and spends most of his time doing household chores, playing with grand kids, and watching TV. So it was with some degree of concern that I raised my head from my morning cereal when George announced at the breakfast table that he was having chest pain.
I looked at him with narrowed, clinical eyes and began asking the usual rule out MI type questions – did it feel like pressure? Where was the pain exactly? When did it start? Does anything make it better or worse? Does it radiate down your arm or up your jaw? Have you ever had this pain before? How severe is it on a scale of 1-10? Read more »
December 2nd, 2009 by DrRob in Better Health Network, Humor
Tags: Break Up, Dear John, Flu, Influenza, Internal Medicine, Letter, Primary Care, Vaccine
1 Comment »

Dear Influenza Vaccine:
I am sorry to be so formal, but using your pet name, “flu shot”, doesn’t seem appropriate in a letter like this. I am also sorry to be writing this letter; I don’t want you to be hurt and I don’t want others to think bad of you.
I just don’t love you any more and want out of our relationship.
Don’t get me wrong; I still think you save lives. You are strong, noble, and deserving of appreciation. You give to my patients what I seek to give them: a longer life with less sickness, and you do so without much cost. I will never think badly of you in that way. I even want to continue meeting with you every year. I don’t want to lose touch.
But things have gotten hard for me. You give so much to others, yet you make my life so very hard. I never know how many people will want you, and yet I have to order you six months or more in advance. Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at Musings of a Distractible Mind*
November 27th, 2009 by Dr. Val Jones in Humor, True Stories
Tags: Brownies, Career Path, Family Medicine, How To Choose, Medical School, Medical Specialty, Surgery
1 Comment »
Sometimes it’s hard to know what kind of doctor you’d like to become. The first two years of medical school are devoted to memorizing text books, and then suddenly in third year you are expected to function as part of a team of different specialists, rotating at 2-6 week intervals. At the end of the third year you’d better have a clear sense of what kind of medicine/surgery you’d like to practice for the rest of your life. No changing your mind! (At least, that’s how the process is supposed to go.)
I asked a physician friend of mine how he came to choose family medicine as a career. I expected him to say that he liked the autonomy of figuring out conundrums on his own – to take care of the entire family and be there for them throughout the life cycle, etc… But what he actually told me was a little unexpected. Read more »