May 13th, 2010 by Berci in Better Health Network, Medblogger Shout Outs, News, Opinion
Tags: China, Chinese,,, General Medicine, Internal Medicine, Lilac Garden Biomedical Science and Technology Network, Medical Blogosphere, Medical Media,, Pharmaceutical Industry, Pharmacology, Science And The Media,, Social Health Media, Social Media Platform, Social Networking
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In the medical blogosphere, we talk a lot about medical community sites such as, or and we always mention these as huge communities.
While Sermo has over 110,000 physician members, the Chinese has over 1.4 million professionals on its site. It has a blog, a conference site, a pharmacy channel, biomedical business information platform, it covers more than a 100 specialties, and offers thousands of jobs. I tried to translate the mission statement with Google Translate:
Lilac Garden Biomedical Science and Technology Network ( DXY.CN ) was established in July 23, 2000, and since its inception has been committed for the majority of medical professionals to provide a specialized life science platform. With professionalism and strong accumulation and the deepening and development of professional exchange, Lilac Garden has grown into the largest and most popular group of pharmaceutical industry professionals to network media platforms.
Now I’m looking for Chinese doctors who would help us create a Chinese section for PeRSSonalized Medicine, the easiest medical information aggregator that features only selected resources. If you know someone, please let me know.
*This blog post was originally published at ScienceRoll*
May 11th, 2010 by Maria Gifford in Announcements, Better Health Network, Medblogger Shout Outs
Tags: Better Health, Call For Submissions, Grand Rounds
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Grand Rounds will be hosted by Better Health on Tuesday, May 18th, 2010.
Please send your medical blog submissions via email by 12:00AM midnight CDT on Sunday, May 16th, to:
Please include:
- “Submission for Grand Rounds” in the subject line of your email.
- Your name (blog author), the name of your blog, and the URL of your specific blog submission.
- A short summary (1-3 sentences) of your blog post.
(NOTE: There is no specific theme for this session of Grand Rounds.)
For more information, please see the Grand Round Submissions Guidelines. We look forward to receiving your submissions and featuring them here next week.
April 25th, 2010 by Debra Gordon in Better Health Network, Medblogger Shout Outs, Opinion, True Stories
Tags: American Society of Journalists and Authors, Facebook, Health and Medicine, Health Tweeder, Healthcare Facilities, Healthcare Professionals, LinkedIn, Medical Organizations, Networking, Peter Shankman, Social Media, Twitter
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So you’re probably wondering what I’m doing blogging about social networking when this is a blog about health and medicine and medical writing. Well, just consider:
- Thousands of tweets are sent every hour about health/medical issues. Want a cool way to follow them? Check out Health Tweeder.
- Thousands of health care professionals, medical organizations and healthcare facilities have Facebook pages.
And I’m sure that’s only the beginning. Those, together with Linked In, are the only social networking sites I currently use so that’s all you get for now. Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at A Medical Writer's Musings on Medicine, Health Care, and the Writing Life*
April 17th, 2010 by David H. Gorski, M.D., Ph.D. in Announcements, Better Health Network, Health Policy, Medblogger Shout Outs, Opinion, Quackery Exposed, Research
Tags: Academic Medical Centers, CAM, Canada, Complimentary and Alternative Medicine, Diet and Exercise, Dietary Studies, Homeopathy, Medical Academia, Medical Schools, Medical Students, Meditation, NCCAM, NECSS, Northeast Conference on Science and Skepticism, Quackademic Medicine, Reiki, SBM, Science Based Medicine, Yoga
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One advantage of having a blog is that I can sometimes tap into the knowledge of my readers to help me out.
As many readers know, a few of the SBM bloggers (myself included) will be appearing at the Northeast Conference on Science and Skepticism (NECSS) today (Saturday, April 17). Since the topic of our panel discussion is going to be the infiltration of quackademic medicine into medical academia, I thought that now would be a very good time for me to update my list of medical schools and academic medical centers in the U.S. and Canada that have embraced (or at least decided to tolerate) quackademic medicine in their midst. Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at Science-Based Medicine*
April 2nd, 2010 by DavidHarlow in Announcements, Better Health Network, Health Policy, Humor, Medblogger Shout Outs
Tags: Grand Rounds, Health Bloggers, Health Wonkery, Health Wonkishness, Healthcare Policy, Healthcare reform, Medical Blog Carnivals, Medical Bloggers
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This week, healthcare reform looms large in the minds of medical blog carnival hosts. Evan Falchuk’s healthcare reform edition of Grand Rounds is up at his See First blog. Rch Elmore hosts the current Health Wonk Review at his Healthcare Technology News (check out the flying pigs photos and more; cf. the HealthBlawger’s “First Hundred Days” edition of Blawg Review for another reference to flying pigs).
The next edition of Health Wonk Review will be hosted right here on April 15th. The themes we will be exploring in that bi-weekly exegesis of health wonkery include the following:
- Metaphors
- Lying
- Song (esp. the blues)
- Art (esp. painting, drawing)
- Inventors and their contraptions
- Fast food
- Liberation
- Cosmetic surgery/medical spas
- Impressionist 19th century novels
- Immenseness
- Mortality
- Racial integration
And, of course…
Please submit your best examples of health wonkishness in these categories no later than 9 a.m. EDT Wednesday April 14th, thank you (extra points for early submissions), and come back on the 15th to learn more than you ever wanted to know about healthcare policy and to see the meaning of these categories revealed. Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at HealthBlawg :: David Harlow's Health Care Law Blog*