November 20th, 2010 by PhilBaumannRN in Better Health Network, Health Policy, Medical Art
Tags: Doctors and Social Media, EHR, Electronic Health Records, Electronic Medical Records, Health Is Social, Healthcare Social Media, Medical Charting, Patient Information, Phil Baumann RN, Review Patient's Chart, sEMR, Social EMR, Social Media In Medicine, Teh Three Internets
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There are three Internets. Here’s some Venn goodness (note that “The” was spelled “Teh” on purpose):

When it comes to “sEMR” (Social EMR), we are somewhere in the middle of the Web of “People” and the Web of “Things,” in case you’ve been wondering. Read the rest of the story over on Health Is Social.
*This blog post was originally published at Phil Baumann*
November 20th, 2010 by Medgadget in Better Health Network, Humor, Medical Art, News
Tags: Clinical Case Studies, General Medicine, iPad App, iPhone App, Medgadget, Medical Art, Medical Cartoon, Medical Case Studies, Medical Games, Medical Humor, Medical Students, Prognosis: Your Diagnosis, Simulation Game
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A new iPhone/iPad game called “Prognosis: Your Diagnosis” looks like a decent attempt at making clinical case studies into a fun activity. Though it’s not clear how accurate and educational the game really is, the interface and goofy screenshots can certainly provide the foundation on which to deliver great content.

iTunes: Prognosis: Your Diagnosis…
Hat tip: ScienceRoll
*This blog post was originally published at Medgadget*
November 14th, 2010 by DrWes in Better Health Network, Health Policy, Health Tips, Medical Art, News, Opinion
Tags: Cardiopulmonology, Cigarette Labels, Dangers Of Smoking, Dr. Wes Fisher, Family Medicine, FDA, Food and Drug Administration, General Medicine, Health Risks Of Smoking, Internal Medicine, Oncology, Patient Education, Primary Care, Public Awareness, Public Health, Quitting Smoking, smoking cessation, Stop Smoking, Tobacco Products
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The FDA will soon require new cigarette package labeling to deter smoking. So in politically-correct governmental fashion, they are asking which labels you’d like to see. (You can pick your favorites here.) My personal favorite (so far) is the one shown to the left, but its impact factor pales in comparison to this example found in England. (That, my friends, is cancer!)
Ironically, it appears the FDA isn’t too sure how forceful it should be in these warnings about the dangers of smoking. They offer a cornucopia of milquetoast labeling options, many of which contain cartoons. Might such unrealistic portrayals defy they hard-hitting message they want to project? Worse, at least one cartoon (seen here) even seems to promote cigarettes AND drug use together!
In an even more astonishing example, some images almost make me what to take up smoking so I can blow big bubbles. Since I could never do this well before, maybe I should take up smoking! Seriously, is an empowerment message what the government wants to portray?
Make these labels big, ugly, and real. Anything else is a waste of taxpayer’s money.
-WesMusings of a cardiologist and cardiac electrophysiologist.
*This blog post was originally published at Dr. Wes*
October 30th, 2010 by Medgadget in Better Health Network, Humor, Medical Art
Tags: Ben Tripp, Flesh Wounds, Halloween, Medgadget, Medical Art, Medical Humor, Rise Again, Zombie
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To promote his new zombie book, “Rise Again,” author Ben Tripp is offering a printable sheet of flesh wounds that, to our relatively trained eyes, are reasonably accurate depictions of what undead flesh wounds would look like. You have to provide your own sticky sheets to print them on. (Note to medical students: Do not stick these on your anatomy cadavers.) Happy Halloween!

SOURCE: “Stickers for Quick Undeadliness: Assorted Zombie Wounds“
*This blog post was originally published at Medgadget*
October 29th, 2010 by KevinMD in Better Health Network, Humor, Medical Art
Tags: 6 Grades of Heart Murmurs, A Cartoon Guide to Becoming a Doctor, Cardiology, Dr. Kevin Pho, KevinMD, Medical Art, Medical Cartoon, Medical Humor
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Ever wonder what the six grades of heart murmurs really means?

SOURCE: A Cartoon Guide to Becoming a Doctor
*This blog post was originally published at*