How Does Healthcare Reform Affect People with Diabetes?
The healthcare reform bill “doesn’t fix everything that’s wrong with our health care system, but it moves us decisively forward,” said the President. Insurance companies will be under government regulations, coverage can’t be denied based on pre-existing conditions, and the bill is signed.
Wait…coverage can’t be denied based on pre-existing conditions?
According to this New York Times editorial, “The biggest difference for Americans who have employer-based insurance is the security of knowing that, starting in 2014, if they lose their job and have to buy their own policy, they cannot be denied coverage or charged high rates because of pre-existing conditions. Before then, the chronically ill could gain temporary coverage from enhanced high-risk pools and chronically ill children are guaranteed coverage.”
I’ve always wanted to take that leap and run my own business. I enjoy working in new media and healthcare, I like working hard, but what kept me from making a bold move was pure and unadulterated fear. Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at Six Until Me.*