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The Ban On Drug Company Gifts To Physicians, Captured In A Photograph

Select states have taken a hard line against doctors accepting any type of gifts from drug companies.

And that includes food of any kind, which makes for some awkward moments at national physician conventions.

So, during this week’s ACEP Scientific Assembly in Boston, WhiteCoat snapped a picture of this notice, which borders on farcical:

drug company gifts

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*This blog post was originally published at*

The Quickest Win For Healthcare Reform: Say “Yes” To Drugs

Dear Mr. Obama and all of you congress folks:

I know you have been arguing about how to fix our system (and it really does need fixing).  I know there is not much you can all agree on.  I know it wasn’t all that much fun to face those yelling people at the town hall meetings.  The press hasn’t been nice, and the polls aren’t good either.  You guys are having a rough go of it.

So I am going to do you a big favor.

What you need right now are some quick wins – some things you can do that will make people happy quickly, and things that can be done without much cost.  This is low-hanging fruit that can be picked without a high ladder; it is fruit that will sweeten things and make swallowing the more bitter pills a little easier.  Here is what you need to do first:

1.  Allow Medicare Patients to Use Drug Discounts

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*This blog post was originally published at Musings of a Distractible Mind*

Red Tape Alert: New FDA Rule Puts Allergan In A Double Bind

I was reading my daily MedPage Today news, when I came across this amusing example of regulatory unintended consequences. As we all know, pharmaceutical companies are not allowed to promote off-label uses of their medications – doing so is punishable with billions of dollars in fines (just ask Pfizer). But a new set of rules created by the FDA’s Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies (REMS) program essentially requires Allergan to provide safety information about off-label uses of the drug — uses that are illegal for them to discuss.

So Allergan has to file a law suit to resolve the issue of being required (by the government) to do something the government considers criminal.

And the winner is?


Is Physician Income At The Root Of Healthcare Inflation?

Ezra Klein – The Provider Problem

Medicare keeps costs down somewhat better than private insurers, though not as well as private insurers did in the ’90s, and they do it by paying providers less money. Providers hate them for it, and that’s why doctors and hospitals and drug companies and device manufacturers have been so aggressive in opposing a public plan able to use Medicare rates. It’s also why Medicare’s growth rate is totally unsustainable — Congress keeps delaying the cuts in doctor’s payments that the Medicare law requires.

Ezra has an interesting post in which he posits that the problem in health care economics is that the rate of inflation of health care persistently exceeds the general rate of inflation.  Fine; I do not think anybody is in disagreement on that point any more.  He goes a bit further, wrongly, I think, in implying that the solution is just to pay doctors less.

The background here is that in the late ’90s, Congress decided to impose a cap on how much medicare expenses for physician services could increase in any given year, using a complicated formula called the Sustainable Growth Rate, which was indexed to GDP growth.  I should note that for some reason, Congress decided not to cap the increase in expense on hospital services, but to let the growth of Medicare Part A accelerate unrestrained.  (The hospital industry must’ve had better lobbyists.)

The SGR ran into trouble immediately, and required pay cuts for physicians, and Congress repeatedly caved and canceled the pay cuts.  So, Medicare Part B grows year over year, at a rate ahead of that of inflation, and the logic seems simple: we need to pay physicians less!

But that ignores the fact that much of physician’s revenue does not go to that physician’s income.  Most doctors (ER docs being an exception) have offices to maintain, nurses and assistants to pay, healthcare premiums for this employees, in addition to the malpractice insurance and billing expenses.   Medicine is not a low-overhead game any more!  My gut feeling was that physician income has been stagnant-to-declining over the last decade.

So I went to the Bureau of Labor Statistics and I manually pulled the data on physician income over the 1999-2008 timeframe, and the inflation rate for the same time span and saw that I was more or less right:

physician income vs inflation

Note that for the first six years, physician income was less than inflation, and 2006-7 was only a little bit above the overall inflation rate.  Also note that for two years physician income was actually negative.   2008 was the only year in which physician income increased faster than inflation.

A note as to methodology: the BLS tracks doctor’s income by specialty, not as a single profession.  I pulled the data for General Internal Medicine, Family Practice, and Surgery, and averaged them.  Including surgery, unsurprisingly, greatly improved the income figures.  Internists’ and Family docs’ income lagged inflation every year but 2008.  This was not weighted, either — there are many more Internists and FPs than surgeons, while I weighted them equally.  (Also, the BLS changed data collection methods in 2002, creating a spurious increase of 33% that year, so I threw out that year and interpolated for the above graph.)  This is not a rigorous analysis, but it gets the point across that individual physician income has not been the driver of overall healthcare inflation. If anything, I think these methods tend to understate the degree to which physician income has stagnated during this period.

So why have global physician expenditures gone up so fast during the last ten years when physicians are, by and large, not seeing the increase in their bottom lines?  Several reasons, I think:

  • As overhead costs increase, doctors squeeze more work into the day just to keep up with rising expenses.
  • As the baby boomers age, and as lifespans continue to increase, patients are older & sicker, and physicians appropriately provide more intense care to this needier population.
  • As new technologies, procedures and therapies are developed, physicians employ them more, generally at increased cost.
  • For Medicare in particular, the graying of America simply means there are more people enrolled in Medicare.

So while doctors are providing more services, the increases are in low margin services or the increases are consumed by increased practice expenses.   I am sure there are more factors as well.

So, Ezra’s suggestion that simply paying doctors less (i.e. implementing the SGR-mandated cuts) would have some effect on reducing the global expense for physician services, it would do little to change the trendline towards increasing costs.  Put another way, it would lower the setpoint of the curve without changing its slope.  It would also, incidentally, have a dramatic effect on physician compensation, since the other costs of a medical practice are fairly inelastic, and the lost revenue would come directly out of doctor’s salaries.

I don’t have a solution to the costs problem, and I am not sure anybody else does either.  Cutting hospitals’ reimbursement would have terrible effects; hospitals are under tremendous economic stresses as it is, and I know most hospitals have razor-thin profit/surplus margins.  Medical devices are expensive, but they are so critical to the improvements in health care that I do not think anybody has the stomach to cut them.  Pharma probably should be cut, but their lobby has defended them very well.  There’s no good answer.

But it is overly simplistic to think that doctors’ compensation is at the root of the runaway costs problem.

*This blog post was originally published at Movin' Meat*

Demonizing Drug Companies

by Michael Kirsch, MD

Demonizing the pharmaceutical industry has become a parlor game for many who enjoy the challenge of shooting at an oversized target. Scapegoating Big Pharma? Now, that takes guts.

Never mind the gazillions they spend on research and development to create tomorrow’s treatments for cancer, arthritis, depression, infectious diseases, heart attacks and strokes. I know that drug industry executives are not all eagle scouts whose mission is solely to save humanity. But, they are not an evil enemy that we need to contain like the “swine flu” pandemic. Sure, they make a profit, and they deserve to. Drugs cost multiple millions of dollars to develop, and most of them never make it to market. Those that do, after years of testing and F.D.A. review, can be summarily shut down when unexpected serious adverse reactions are suspected. In these cases, there may be no actual proof that the medicines were responsible for the ‘side effect’.

I’m not suggesting that we demand airtight proof before issuing drug warnings, only that we beware of what happens if drug company profits can be decimated with the stroke of a pen. Playing rough with the drug companies may appeal to our populist sensibilities, but it can go too far and stifle innovation.

Drug companies need the promise of large profits if they are to take the risks inherent in developing new and novel medicines for all of us. What other business would invest in a new product or technology without the potential for substantial financial gain? Before we advocate price controls for medicines or shortening intervals of patent protection, consider the side effects of this clumsy approach. If we hit Big Pharma too hard, then they will play it safe and churn out lots of drugs that we don’t really need.

Which would you rather they invest in? Another drug for heartburn that is no better than all the others on the shelf, or a vaccine to prevent cancer?

If they succeed in the latter endeavor, I hope they earn hundreds of millions of dollars. This will still be less than the number of lives they will save.

Michael Kirsch is a gastroenterologist who blogs at MD Whistleblower.

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*This blog post was originally published at*

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