January 10th, 2011 by DrRich in Better Health Network, Health Policy, Opinion
Tags: Arnold Kling, Covert Rationing Blog, Doctor Patient Relationship, Dr. Donald Berwick, Dr. Rich Fogoros, Dr. Troyen Brennan, Healthcare Policy, Healthcare Politics, Remote Third Parties
From the ominously-titled book “New Rules” by Donald Berwick, M.D., and Troyen Brennan M.D.:
“Today, this isolated relationship [between doctor and patient] is no longer tenable or possible. . . Traditional medical ethics, based on the doctor-patient dyad, must be reformulated to fit the new mold of the delivery of health care. . . The primary function of regulation in health care…is to constrain decentralized individualized decision making.”
Unfortunately, Dr. Berwick’s straightforward formulation of the appropriate role of the individual physician in our reformed healthcare system is not isolated to thinkers of the Progressive persuasion. The notion that most clinical decisions can be usefully made by a centralized authority is attractive even to some conservatives.
For example, a few years ago the noted economist Arnold Kling strongly defended the idea. “My own view is that a remote third party probably can use statistical evidence to make good recommendations for a course of treatment.”
Now, Kling is no far-left radical, pushing for centralized control of healthcare (and everything else). Indeed, he is now with the Cato Institute, and before that he taught economics at George Mason University. So he has earned his conservative and/or libertarian chops.
And to be fair, he is not really calling here for “remote third parties” to have final authority on what’s best for individual patients. Rather, he thinks patients should make that decision for themselves, weighing the recommendations of data-driven guidelines promulgated by remote experts, against the ego-toss’d recommendations from their all-too-fallible doctors, or, as Kling sarcastically refers to them, their “heroic personal saviors.” (Such sarcasm, regular readers will know, is as abhorrent to DrRich as it probably is to you.) Kling is saying: Trust patients, armed with good evidence-based recommendations handed down from experts, to make the right decisions for themselves. Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at The Covert Rationing Blog*
January 10th, 2011 by KevinMD in Better Health Network, Opinion
Tags: American College of Surgeons, Anesthesiology, Dr. Kevin Pho, Elective Surgery, Fatigued Surgeons, General Anesthesia, General Surgery, KevinMD, Medical Errors, New England Journal of Medicine, Patient Safety, Regulation For Doctors, Shortage of General Surgeons, sleep deprivation, Sleep-Deprived Surgeons, Tired Doctors, USA Today, Wall Street Journal Health Blog, Work-Hour Restrictions For Doctors, WSJ
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In a recent New England Journal of Medicine, a perspective piece on what to do with fatigued surgeons is generating debate. The issue of work-hour restrictions has been a controversial issue when it comes to doctors in training, something that I wrote about earlier in the year in USA Today. But once doctors graduate and practice in the real world, there are no rules.
As summarized in the WSJ’s Health Blog, the perspective piece argues for more regulation for tired surgeons:
… self-regulation is not sufficient. Instead, “we recommend that institutions implement policies to minimize the likelihood of sleep deprivation before a clinician performs elective surgery and to facilitate priority rescheduling of elective procedures when a clinician is sleep-deprived,” they write. For example, elective procedures wouldn’t be scheduled for the day after a physician is due to be on all-night call.
And the authors suggest that patients be “empowered to inquire about the amount of sleep their clinicians have had the night before such procedures.”
It’s a noble goal, and indeed, data does show that fatigued surgeons tend to make more errors. Patients, once confronted with a choice of being operated on by a tired surgeon, may choose to postpone surgery. Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at KevinMD.com*
January 10th, 2011 by Richard Cooper, M.D. in Better Health Network, Health Policy, News, Opinion, Research
Tags: Dartmouth, Dr. Richard Cooper, Geographic Variation, Geographical Comparison, Healthcare Policy, Healthcare Utilization, HHRs, Hospital Referral Regions, Medicare Expenditures, MedPAC, Metropolitan Statistical Areas, MSAs, Poverty, The Poor, U.S. Healthcare System
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MedPAC has released another report in which they have tried to explain variation in healthcare utilization among metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs), of which there are approximately 400. MSAs more-or-less correspond to Dartmouth’s 306 hospital referral regions (HRRs), and the conclusions reached by the Dartmouth folks and MedPAC tend to correspond. In commenting about MedPAC’s last report, issued in December 2009, I noted that the major variation was caused by high Medicare expenditures in seven southern states, where patients are poorer and sicker and use much more care.
In their new report, MedPAC went a step beyond measuring expenditures, which they adjusted for prices and other factors in their last report, to measuring the actual units of service, a far better way to assess the healthcare system. MedPAC’s new findings on the distribution of service use in MSAs are graphed below:
Based on this new approach, MedPAC concluded: “Although service use varies less than spending, the amount of service provided to beneficiaries still varies substantially. Specifically, service use in higher use areas (90th percentile) is 30 percent greater than in lower use areas (10th percentile); the analogous figure for spending is about 55 percent. What policies should be pursued in light of these findings is beyond the scope of this paper, which is meant only to inform policymakers on the nature and extent of regional variation in Medicare service use. However, we do note that at the extremes, there is nearly a two-fold difference between the MSA with the greatest service use and the MSA with the least.” Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at PHYSICIANS and HEALTH CARE REFORM Commentaries and Controversies*
January 10th, 2011 by RyanDuBosar in Better Health Network, Health Policy, News
Tags: ACP Internist, American College Of Physicians, CBO, Congressional Budget Office, Federal Debt, Healthcare Law, Healthcare Legislation, Healthcare Politics, Healthcare Reform Bill, Healthcare Reform Repeal, John Boehner, New U.S. Healthcare System, Obamacare, Ryan DuBosar
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Repealing healthcare reform has become a way of stockpiling ammunition for the campaign trail. The Republican-led House has scheduled a repeal of healthcare reform for Wednesday, Jan. 12, and they’d garner as allies some but not all 13 Democrats that voted against healthcare reform to begin with. The House’s quixotic vote would then promptly die in the Democrat-held Senate.
But recording votes on repeal would put pressure on already vulnerable lawmakers, as well as give a quick boost to incoming ones. A Gallup poll shows 46 percent of Americans want healthcare reform to be repealed, 40 percent don’t want repeal.
Unfortunately, not only can’t the law be passed, it would add $230 billion to the federal debt by 2021, according to the Congressional Budget Office. House Speaker John Boehner said, “I don’t think anyone in this town believes that repealing Obamacare is going to increase the deficit,” although Republicans have already exempted a repeal of the healthcare law from new rules prohibiting legislation from adding to the federal debt. (Politico, Kansas City Star, [Aurora, Ill.] Beacon-News, USA Today, CNN)
*This blog post was originally published at ACP Internist*
January 10th, 2011 by DavedeBronkart in Better Health Network, Health Policy, News
Tags: Accountable Care Organizations, ACOs, Dave deBronkart, David Harlow, E-Patients, e-Patients.net, Empowered Patients, ePatient Dave, HealthBlawg, Healthcare Law, Healthcare Policy, Healthcare Politics, Healthcare reform, Meaningful Use Guidelines, New U.S. Healthcare System, Patient Empowerment, Patient Engagement, Patient-Centered Care, Patient-Centered Medicine, Patient-Centeredness, Public Policy Committee, Society of Participatory Medicine
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In December, the Society for Participatory Medicine’s executive committee appointed health law attorney David Harlow to represent the Society in public policy matters. Regular readers of HealthBlawg::David Harlow’s Health Care Law Blog know what a patient-centered, participatory thinker David is. This is his first report.
I am delighted to offer my first report as Public Policy Committee Chair for the Society of Participatory Medicine. I encourage all of you who are not yet Society members to join, and I encourage new and old members to consider volunteering to help with the wide range of public policy issues facing us today.
Over the past couple of months, the Public Policy Committee has gotten its sea legs. We are beginning to add the Society’s voice to the national discourse on patient engagement in a formal manner. As planning for health reform and related initiatives becomes more concrete, it is clear that patient engagement and patient-centeredness are key issues to be considered. For example, it was encouraging to hear Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Administrator Don Berwick speak about the “Triple Aim” at the Accountable Care Organization (ACO) workshop this fall, and explicitly link the achievement of the triple aim — better care for individuals, better health for populations, and reduced per-capita costs — to patient engagement and empowerment.
There will be many opportunities for the Society to engage with policymakers, payors and provider organizations as this work continues. CMS and its many related organizations, as well as many provider and private sector payor organizations recognize that without maintaining a focus on the patient at the core, health reform and related health IT initiatives cannot be successful. We’ve kicked things off on two fronts — ACOs and Stage 2 Meaningful Use rules. Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at e-Patients.net*