October 27th, 2011 by StevenWilkinsMPH in Opinion
Tags: Adherence, Confidence, Control, Engagement, Health Care System, Hospital, Listening, Mission Statement, Participation, Patient Experience, Patient Satisfaction Survey, Patient-Centered Care, Patients, PCMH, Physicians, Suggestion Box
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Health care professionals are a cynical lot. We joke about the “fad or buzz word of the month”…usually some vague concept heralded by the powers on high. Our job is to promote the idea…knowing full well that the “next big thing” is probably right around the corner.
Take “Patient-Centered”…it sure feels like a buzz word. I suspect most hospital and physician executives, and their ad agency partners, would agree. But this time things are very different.
Why Hospitals and Physicians Should Get Serious About Patient-Centered Care
Reason #1 – Patients Are Starting To Discover That Their Doctors & Hospitals Are Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at Mind The Gap*
October 27th, 2011 by Richard Cooper, M.D. in Opinion
Tags: Access, Cost, health care, income gap, income inequality, Money, Occupy Wall Street, Poor, Poverty, rich, Spending, wealthy
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(Note: After a five month absence from posting comments, I offer this observation, with more to come. There’s much to do.)
The message resonating from the Wall Street protesters is that income inequality doesn’t work. And among the developed nations, theUS is the most unequal. This distinction does not come without cost. The greatest, of course, is the social cost borne by those who are poor. But what the protesters may not fully realize is that another is the high costs of health care. This is because the costs of caring for the poor are much greater. And together with the rising numbers of poor patients, they are crushing the health care system.
This notion may seem shocking, since it is generally believed that low-income patients receive less health care. After all, many have little or no health insurance, and most have poor access to primary care. Isn’t it the wealthy whose access is best and who use the most? The answer is Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at PHYSICIANS and HEALTH CARE REFORM Commentaries and Controversies*
October 27th, 2011 by StaceyButterfield in Opinion
Tags: Baby Boomers, Differences, Facebook, Generation X, Internet Research, Millennials, Old, Patients, Self-absorbed, Social Media, Status update, Text, Word-Of-Mouth, Young, Youth
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Surely you’ve read before (perhaps even in our publication) about the challenges of Boomers and younger generations working together. You know the drill– these young’uns are good with computers but they’re all hung up on this idea that they should get to have a life. But Cam Marston, the opening speaker at MGMA put a new spin on the concept– addressing how generational differences can affect the way that you attract, and treat, patients.
A lot of it is pretty obvious. Millennials (those born between 1980 and 2000) like getting information by text, Boomers not so much. Younger patients do a lot more of their own internet research.
But some of the advice on how to act on these generations’ well-known differences was Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at ACP Internist*
October 26th, 2011 by AndrewSchorr in Opinion
Tags: Cancer, Chemotherapy, Coffee, Diet, Health, Herbs, Red Meat, Restrictive Diet, Social Media, Steve Jobs, Supplements, Vegan, Vegetarian, Webinar
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The new book is out about Steve Jobs. You may have already heard that he regretted delaying surgery for months for a type of pancreatic cancer and explored alternatives, including dietary changes. He told his biographer he later came to the conclusion that it was the wrong personal health decision.
If you check out social media conversations about health, the value of dietary changes is always a hot topic. Can becoming a vegetarian, for example, arrest the development of cancer or prevent its recurrence?
This week I will participate in a webinar on social media and breast cancer. One other panelists helps run a patient advocacy group. The other is a respected nurse who helps run the breast center at Johns Hopkins. In a preliminary discussion they each noted that Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at Andrew's Blog*
October 26th, 2011 by RamonaBatesMD in Health Policy, Opinion
Tags: Able, Contributing, Disability, Disability Determination Services, Disabled, Inspiration, Insurance, Learning, MDI, medically determinable impair, Payments, SGA, substantial gainful activity, Title II, Title XVI, Working
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I have now completed three weeks at my new job with the Disability Determination Services office. I sort of knew there were two types of disability payments under SSI: Title II and Title XVI. Now I understand the differences much clearer.
I would urge everyone who can afford it to purchase disability insurance. As the person training me put it, “If you are disabled, you are still ‘costing’ your family in addition to not contributing to the family income.”
The big difference between the two (II and XVI) is that Read more »
*This blog post was originally published at Suture for a Living*